Create Geographic Map wizard for web report

This wizard appears when you click Insert > Map > Geographic Map on the menu bar, click the Insert Geographic Map button on the Insert toolbar, or drag Geographic Map from the Toolbox panel into a web report. It helps you to insert a geographic map into a web report, and consists of the following screens:


Goes back to the previous screen.


Goes to the next screen.


Finishes creating the geographic map and closes this dialog.


Does not retain changes and closes this dialog.


Displays the help document about this feature.

Data screen

Specifies the data source that you want to use to create the geographic map. See the screen.

Available data resources

Lists all the business views in the current catalog. Specify the one you want to use.

Display screen

Specifies the data fields that you want to display in the geographic map. See the screen.

Map Type

Specifies the type for the geographic map from the drop-down list.


Lists all the available data resources. You can also create dynamic formulas to use in the map.

Adds the selected field to the geographic map.

Enable Marker

Enables specifying the marker properties for all the groups.

Enable Area

Enables specifying the area properties for all the groups.

One option between Enable Marker and Enable Area must be checked at least and Enable Marker is checked by default.

Drill Path

Lists the fields that are used to group data in the geographic map.

Moves the specified group one step up.

Moves the specified group one step down.

Removes the selected fields that are not required from the geographic map.

Select N

Opens the Select N dialog to specify the Select N condition for the selected group level.

Marker Options

Specifies the marker properties of the selected group in the Drill Path box. Available only when Enable Marker is checked.

Area Options

Specifies the area properties of the selected group in the Drill Path box. Available only when Enable Area is checked.

Location Info

Specifies the mapping location of the markers or areas for the selected group by field in the Drill Path box. For each group level that you want to show on the map, specify a DBfield or formula that contains the value matching the folder name in <install_root>\gisinfo\geocode used by the geographic map. For example you may group by Country and State. For State, you would want to use a formula fStateCountry that concatenates state and country so Google Maps, OpenStreetMap or OpenCycleMap knows which state to use such as "New York, USA" or "California, USA".

Filter screen

Specifies to filter the data used in the geographic map. See the screen.


Lists all the predefined filters of the specified business view. Select one from the drop-down list to apply, or select User Defined and define a new filter according to your requirements.

For details about the other options in the screen, see Edit Filter dialog.

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