Creating predefined filters

You can predefine filters in business views for end users to choose when they design or modify web reports and library components. The following example shows the basic usage.

  1. Open the catalog file in <install_root>\Demo\Reports\TutorialReports.
  2. Create a business view called SalesView with the query AnnualSalesbyRegion.
  3. In the Business View Editor window, click Tools > Predefined Filter on the menu bar or click the Predefined Filter button on the toolbar. The Predefined Filter dialog appears. See the dialog.
  4. Click the New button, double-click in the Name cell of the filter and change its name to CustomerFilter, then in the Condition panel, click the Add Condition button and define the filter as Customers_Customer ID>=25.
  5. Click the New button to add another filter and name it ContactFilter, then define the filter as Contact Position=Manager.
  6. Click OK in the Predefined Filter dialog to save the filters. You can then apply them when creating or editing web reports and library components based on the business view in JReport Designer or in Web Report Studio after you publish the corresponding catalog to JReport Server.
