Pick a Color dialog

This dialog helps you to specify a color for an object, and varies according to different source it is opened from.

If it is opened when you specify the color schema for chart elements or for the markers or areas of a geographic map in the Display screen of the map wizard, the options in the dialog are as follows. See the dialog.

Color matrix

Select a color you want in the color matrix. The hue of the matrix is based on the color you define on the color bar.

Color bar

Specifies a color on the bar which will be the hue of the color matrix.

Pre-select Color

Displays the color you have pre-selected in the color matrix. The color result varies when you hover the mouse pointer in the color matrix. When the pre-selected color meets your requirement, click it in the color matrix, then the color will be displayed as the Select Color value.

Select Color

Displays the color you have selected in the color matrix.

Default Color

Displays the default color for the object.


Specifies the chroma of the color, whose value is from 0 to 359.


Specifies the saturation of the color, whose value is from 0 to 100.


Specifies the brightness of the color, whose value is from 0 to 100.


Specifies the red value, whose value is from 0 to 255.


Specifies the green value, whose value is from 0 to 255.


Specifies the blue value, whose value is from 0 to 255.


Displays the hexadecimal value of the selected color. You can change its value by typing your desired hexadecimal value manually.


Clicks to apply the color value you have defined and leaves the dialog.


Cancels the changes you have made and closes the dialog.

If it is opened from other sources, the options in the dialog are as follows:


Shows the specified color.


Applies all changes and closes the dialog.


Does not retain changes and closes the dialog.


Cancels all changes and allows you to reset the values of the color.

Swatches tab

Shows samples of the colors. See the tab.


Shows colors as samples for you to choose.


Shows the colors you have chosen recently.


Shows the RGB hexadecimal value of the color you choose, which can be copied by selecting it and then pressing Ctrl+C on the keyboard, but it cannot be edited.

HSB tab

Specifies the attributes of the color. See the tab.

Color matrix

Select a color you want in the color matrix. The hue of the matrix is based on the color you define on the color bar.

Color bar

Specifies a color on the bar which controls the hue of the color matrix. You can change its value by dragging the slider between the color matrix and color bar.


Specifies the chroma of the color, whose value is from 0 to 359.


Specifies the saturation of the color, whose value is from 0 to 100.


Specifies the brightness of the color, whose value is from 0 to 100.


Specifies the red value, whose value is from 0 to 255.


Specifies the green value, whose value is from 0 to 255.


Specifies the blue value, whose value is from 0 to 255.


Specifies the RGB hexadecimal value of the color, which changes along with the HSB and RGB values, or it can be changed by entering a hexadecimal value manually.

RGB tab

Specifies the RGB of the color. See the tab.


Specifies the red value, whose value is from 0 to 255.


Specifies the green value, whose value is from 0 to 255.


Specifies the blue value, whose value is from 0 to 255.


Specifies the RGB hexadecimal value of the color, which changes along with the RGB values, or it can be changed by entering a hexadecimal value manually.