You can manipulate data components, which refer to tables, crosstabs, charts and geographic maps, in Web Report Studio as shown below. Note that, most of the manipulations require selecting the component first. To select a component, click anywhere in the component, when the icon
appears at its upper left corner, click the icon.
- Changing the table definition
- Select the table and do one of the following:
- Click Menu > Edit > Wizard.
- Click the Table Wizard button
on the Context toolbar.
- Right-click the icon
of the table and select Table Wizard from the shortcut menu.
The Table Wizard appears. See the wizard.
- In the Table Title text field, edit the title of the table. You can click
to customize the font, size, and style of the title.
- Click the Filter button to apply some filter conditions to narrow down data displayed in the table.
- In the Display tab, add or change the fields displayed in the table.
- In the Group tab, modify the grouping criteria of the table.
- Upon finishing, click OK to apply the modifications.
For details about how to define a table, see Inserting a table.
- Switching table column fields
In addition to the above method, another more convenient way to change the fields displayed in the detail columns or group columns of a table is by using the Switch command.
- To change the field in a detail column:
Right-click the detail column and select Table Column > Switch Column from the shortcut menu, or select the detail column, right-click it and select Switch Column from the shortcut menu. The fields available for the detail column are listed in the submenu with the current used field checked. Select the field you want to use to replace the current one in the column.
- To change the field in a group column:
Right-click the group field and select Switch Group from the shortcut menu. The fields available for the group column are listed in the submenu with the current used field checked. Select the field you want to use to replace the current one in the column.
- Adding or removing a table column or group by dragging
To drag a field into a table to become a table column, drag it from the Resources panel and then move the cursor on the column header to the border of an existing table column until a highlighted vertical line appears, then release the cursor, and the new column will be placed where the highlighted line lies.
To drag a group field into a table to become a group, drag it from the Resources panel and then move the cursor in the detail section or to the border of an existing table group until a highlighted horizontal line appears, then release the cursor, and the new group will be placed where the highlighted line lies.
To remove a table column, first select it, next drag and drop it to the Resources panel, and then confirm the removal.
- Adjusting order of columns in a table
The order of columns in a table can be easily adjusted. To do this, first select a column by right-clicking any cell within the column and selecting Select on the submenu of Table Column, then drag it to the left or right boundary of another column, when a highlighted line appears along the column boundary, release the mouse button, and you will see the order changes.
- Adjusting the width of table columns according to contents
When the contents in cells of a table column need more space to completely display, you can adjust the width of the table column according to the contents. To do this, right-click the column and select Table Column > Autofit from the shortcut menu.
- Aggregating on a detail column
You can summarize the data in a detail column. To do this:
- Right-click the detail field and select Aggregate On from the shortcut menu. Or you can click on the column header to select the column, then on the Context toolbar, click the Aggregate On button
- In the Aggregate On dialog, specify a function from the Function drop-down list to summarize the data.
- When done, click OK.
- If the table has groups, you will find data in each group level and the whole table are summarized respectively in the column.
- If the table has no groups, the summary will be based on the whole table.
When you finish summarizing a detail column, you will find a dynamic aggregation is created at the same time which is given a default name Function_DetailFieldName in the Dynamic Resource > Aggregations list in the Resources panel and you can use it again in the current report if required.
- Adding/Removing groups in a table
You can add more groups into a table or remove the groups that are not required from a table.
- To add a group into a table:
Select the table, then on the Context toolbar, click the Add/Remove Group button
and you will get a drop-down list of fields in the business view that can be used as group by fields. From the list you can select the field you would like to add into the table as a group. If there is no existing group in the table, the added group will be placed at the left-above position. If the table already contains groups, the new group will be added as the highest level group and follow the same position pattern as the closest existing group.
- To remove a group from a table:
Right-click a field of the group and select Delete from the shortcut menu, then click Yes in the message dialog to confirm the removal. Or you can use the Add/Remove Group button
on the Context toolbar of the table: unselect the group you want to remove from the drop-down list, then click Yes in the message dialog.
- Showing/Hiding detail columns
To show/hide a detail column, select the table, then on the Context toolbar, click the Show/Hide Detail button
. From the drop-down list, select/unselect the field name to show/hide its detail column.
You can also hide a detail column by one of the following:
- First select the column by right-clicking in the column and selecting Select on the submenu of Table Column, then do either of the following:
- Click the Hide button
on the Context toolbar.
- Right-click the column and select Hide.
- Right-click in the column and select Table Column > Hide from the shortcut menu.
- Showing/Hiding summaries
To show/hide a summary from a table, first select the table and then do either of the following:
- On the Context toolbar, click the Show/Hide Summary button
. From the drop-down list, select/unselect the summary field name to show/hide it.
- Right-click the icon
of the table, then on the shortcut menu, select/unselect the summary field name from the Show > Table Column submenu to show/hide it.
- Customizing the field value data format
To customize the data format of the values of a field in a table, right-click on any value of the field, then select a format from the Format submenu, or input a format in the text box at the bottom of the submenu and click Enter on the keyboard.
- Changing the crosstab definition
- Select the crosstab and then do one of the following:
- Click Menu > Edit > Wizard.
- Click the Crosstab Wizard button
on the Context toolbar.
- Right-click the icon
of the crosstab and select Crosstab Wizard from the shortcut menu.
The Crosstab Wizard appears. See the wizard.
- In the Crosstab Title text field, edit the title of the crosstab. You can click
to customize the font, size, and style of the title.
- Click the Filter button to apply some filter conditions to narrow down data displayed in the crosstab.
- Change the fields and summaries used by the crosstab.
- Upon finishing, click OK to apply the modifications.
For details about how to define a crosstab, see Inserting a crosstab.
- Switching crosstab fields
In addition to the above method, another more convenient way to change the fields in a crosstab is by using the Switch command. To do this, right-click a row/column/summary and select Switch Row/Switch Column/Switch Summary from the shortcut menu. The fields available for the row/column/summary are listed in the submenu with the current used field checked. Select the field you want to use to replace the current one.
- Adding or removing a row/column header or an aggregation by dragging
To drag a group field into a crosstab to become a column header, drag it from the Resources panel and then move the cursor to a border of a column header until a highlighted horizontal line appears, then release the cursor, and the new column header will be placed where the highlighted line lies.
To drag a group field into a crosstab to become a row header, drag it from the Resources panel and then move the cursor to a border of the row header until a highlighted vertical line appears, then release the cursor, and the new row header will be placed where the highlighted line lies.
To drag an aggregate field into a crosstab to become an aggregation, drag it from the Resources panel and drop to the aggregation section.
To remove a row/column header or an aggregation from a crosstab, first select it, next drag and drop it to the Resources panel, and then confirm the removal.
- Converting a crosstab into a chart
- Select the crosstab and then do either of the following:
- Click Menu > Edit > To Chart.
- Right-click the icon
of the crosstab and select To Chart from the shortcut menu.
The To Chart dialog appears. See the dialog.
- In the Title text field, input a title for the chart. You can click
to customize the font, size, and style of the title.
- The Resources box lists all the view elements used in the selected crosstab including group and aggregation objects. The chart can only be defined based on the view elements listed. Select the required chart type from the chart type drop-down list. Add a group object
from the Resources box to the Category box, and so to the Series box, and aggregation objects
to the Show Values box respectively.
If you select a bubble chart type, you need to specify the fields to be shown on the bubble X axis, Y axis and the value you want to show as the bubble radius in the Show Values box. Note that when you specify a value for the bubble X axis, this value will be displayed on the category axis instead of the one specified in the Category box. However, the value defined in the Category box will also be included in data calculation.
- Click the OK button to finish the conversion.
For details about how to define a chart, see Inserting a chart.
- Rotating a crosstab
Columns and rows in a crosstab can be exchanged. This operation is called rotating a crosstab.
To rotate a crosstab, first select it, and then do one of the following:
- Click Menu > Edit > Rotate Crosstab.
- Click the Rotate Crosstab button
on the Context toolbar.
- Right-click the icon
of the crosstab and select Rotate Crosstab from the shortcut menu.
- Adjusting the width of crosstab fields according to the contents
When the contents in the field of a crosstab need more space to completely display, you can adjust the width of the field according to its contents. To achieve it, right-click the field and select Autofit from the shortcut menu.
- Customizing the field value data format
To customize the data format of the values of a field in a crosstab, right-click on any value of the field, then select a format from the Format submenu, or input a format in the text box at the bottom of the submenu and click Enter on the keyboard.