Crosstab Wizard
This wizard appears when you do one of the following:
- Select a crosstab, then click Menu > Edit > Wizard.
- Select a crosstab, then click the Crosstab Wizard button
on the Context toolbar.
- Right-click the icon
of a crosstab and select Crosstab Wizard from the shortcut menu.
It helps you to change data of the crosstab. See the wizard.
Crosstab Title
Specifies a title for the crosstab.
Specifies the font properties of the crosstab title.
- Font
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the title.
- Font Style
Specifies the font style of the title. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
- Size
Specifies the font size of the title.
- Align
Specifies the position of the title to be left, right, center or justify.
- Font Color
Specifies the font color of the title.
- Background Color
Specifies the background color of the title.
Data Source
Displays the business view used by the crosstab.
Opens the Query Filter dialog to specify the filter which you want to apply to the selected business view.
Displays the view elements in the selected business view.
Sorts the view elements in the specified order from the drop-down list. Once a user changes the order, it will be applied to all the resource trees where business view elements are listed for this user.
- Predefined Order
Sorts the view elements in the order defined in the Business View Editor on JReport Designer.
- Resource Types
Sorts the view elements by resource type, namely category objects come first, then group objects, then aggregation objects, and at last detail objects.
- Alphabetical Order
Sorts the view elements in alphabetical order. Elements that are not in any category will be sorted first, then the categories, and the elements in each category will also be sorted alphabetically.
Launches the quick search toolbar to search for view elements.
- Text box
The quick search toolbar treats view elements as strings and searches by consecutive text. Type in the text you want to search for in the text box and the matched text will be highlighted among the view elements.
- X
Closes the quick search toolbar.
Lists more search options.
- Highlight All
Specifies whether to highlight all matched text.
- Match Case
Specifies whether to search for text that meets the case of the typed text.
- Match Whole Word
Specifies whether to search for text that looks the same as the typed text.
Highlights the previous matched text.
Highlights the next matched text.
Adds the selected group object
to be displayed on the columns of the crosstab.
Adds the selected group object
to be displayed on the rows of the crosstab.
Adds the selected aggregation object
or detail object
to be the summary field of the crosstab.
- Field
Lists the group objects that will be displayed in the columns/rows of the crosstab.
- Label
Specifies the display names of the group objects. By default these are blank and no names will be created for the group objects to label the columns/rows. You can click in the cells to edit them if required.
- Sort
Specifies the sort order of the group objects.
- Field
Lists the aggregation/detail objects that you select to create summaries.
- Label
Specifies the display names of the aggregation/detail objects. By default these are blank and no names will be created for the objects to label the summaries. You can click in the cells to edit them if required.
- Aggregation
Specifies the functions used to summarize data of the detail objects.
Moves the selected view element one level up.
Moves the selected view element one level down.
Removes the selected resource.
Applies the changes and closes the wizard.
Does not retain changes and closes the wizard.
Displays the help document about this feature.