To Chart dialog

This dialog appears when you right-click a crosstab and then select To Chart on the shortcut menu or click Menu > Edit > To Chart. It allows you to specify settings for converting a crosstab into a chart excluding the organization chart and varies with different chart types: common chart types, heat map.


Applies the settings and closes the dialog.


Cancels the settings and closes the dialog.


Displays the help document about this feature.

For common chart types

See the dialog.


Specifies a title for the chart.

Specifies the font properties of the chart title.


Displays all the view elements used in the crosstab.

Sorts the view elements in the specified order from the drop-down list. Once a user changes the order, it will be applied to all the resource trees where business view elements are listed for this user.

Launches the quick search toolbar to search for view elements.

Adds the selected group or aggregation object to be displayed in the chart.


Lists the group object that will be displayed on the category axis of the chart.


Lists the group object that will be displayed on the series axis of the chart.

Show Values

Specifies the types for chart and sets the values for the Primary Axis or Secondary Axis separately.

Secondary Axis

Specifies whether to show the secondary axis in the chart.

Opens the Category Options dialog or Series Options dialog to define the sort order of the category or series values and specify the number of the category or series values that will be displayed in the chart.

Adds a combo chart to the Primary Axis or Secondary Axis.

Moves the selected view element one level up.

Moves the selected view element one level down.

Adds a new pair of Y Axis and Radius for the bubble chart.

Removes the selected view element.

For heat map

See the dialog.


Specifies the title of the chart. The title is a special label bound with the chart. Though it can be positioned freely in a report, once you remove the chart from the report, the title will be removed too.

Specifies the font properties of the chart title.


Displays the resources that can be added to the chart.

Sorts the view elements in the specified order from the drop-down list. Once a user changes the order, it will be applied to all the resource trees where business view elements are listed for this user.

Launches the quick search toolbar to search for view elements.

Adds the selected field into the Groups or Summaries box.

Removes the selected field from the Groups or Summaries box.

Show Values

Displays Heat Map as the selected chart type.


Lists the fields used to group the data. There should be at least one group.


Lists the summaries used as size-by/color-by or displayed in the innermost rectangle.

The summaries should match the groups. For example, if the groups level is A > B > C, the static summaries grouped by C can be inserted into the Summaries box, but the static summaries grouped by A, B or other fields cannot.

If no group is specified in the Groups box, you can insert any static summary. And its group-by field will be inserted into the Groups box automatically.