Format tab

This tab allows you to specify the format in which you would like to generate the report and set its corresponding settings. See the tab.

Select Format section

Specifies the format of the report result.

Select Format

Specifies the format in which the report result will be. It can be one of the following:

Advanced section

Specifies some advanced format settings.

Enable Style Group

When this option is disabled as default, use the style group property of the page report tab or web report for this format that is predefined in JReport Designer to run the page report tab or web report.

When this option is enabled, you are allowed to select a style group from the Style Group drop-down list to run the page report tab or web report in the format.

Enable Converting Encoding

Specifies whether to enable the conversion of encoding. If checked, the Before Converting and After Converting options will be activated. Select the encoding from the drop-down lists as required.

Enable NLS

Specifies whether to enable NLS for the report. If checked, the Using Language drop-down list will be displayed for you to choose a language.



Specifies the encoding for the report.

Connect to [Data Source Name] [Connection Name]

Specifies the DB user and password with which you want to connect to the data source the report uses. For the default connection, [Connection Name] will not be shown or recorded.

Add TaskListener to be Invoked

Specifies whether to enable the user to call the Java application before/after viewing. Enabled only when the format is not specified to Page Report Studio.

Web Report

Runs a web report in Web Report Studio.


Specifies the resolution of the result to zoom in/out, in DPI. The default value is obtained from the operation system, which is the resolution of your monitor, for example, 72 DPI on Unix or 96 on Windows. You can set higher/lower value to zoom in/out.

Page Report

Runs a page report in Page Report Studio.


Specifies the resolution of the result to zoom in/out, in DPI. The default value is obtained from the operation system, which is the resolution of your monitor, for example, 72 DPI on Unix or 96 on Windows. You can set higher/lower value to zoom in/out.


Specifies the Page Report Studio profile to be applied to run the report, which contains a set of Page Report Studio settings.

Background Mode Timeout

Specifies the time after which the report will continue to run in background mode. When a page report runs and the results have not yet been generated after the specified time, it will automatically be switched to run in background mode. Once the report is complete you can find the results in the My Tasks > Background Tasks tab.


No Margin

Removes the margins you originally set while designing the report.

Multiple Files

Generates the report result to multiple HTML files. JReport designates a serial number for each HTML page. For example, if you named a 3-page report as "sales", JReport will create three files called sales_1.html, sales_2.html, and sales_3.html.

Single File

Generates the report result to a single HTML file.


Generates the report result into an HTML file with the Drilldown feature enabled. The Drilldown feature enables you to inspect certain items for further detailed data.

Section 508 Compliant Output

If checked, the accessibility attributes defined for the report elements via the Report Inspector will be generated to the HTML result which is Section 508 compliant. See Accessibility for more information.

When Section 508 Compliant Output is checked, the Use HTML Data Table and Relative Font Size options will be checked and disabled. The output will be Section 508 compliant including HTML data table, accessible attributes, and relative font feature.

Use HTML Data Table

Specifies whether the table and crosstab components will be output as table objects in the HTML result.

Absolute Font Size

Generates the report result using an absolute font size, which means that the font size is fixed, and cannot be adjusted according to the font size settings in the web browser.

Relative Font Size

Generates the report result using a relative font size. The font size can be adjusted according to the font size settings in the web browser.

Use Chart

When publishing to e-mail or to FTP, only "Image Chart" is available for customization and "Use Chart" and "Applet Chart" is not needed.


Specifies the resolution of the HTML result to zoom in/out, in DPI. The default value is obtained from the operation system, which is the resolution of your monitor, for example, 72 DPI on Unix or 96 on Windows. You can set higher/lower value to zoom in/out.

Web Browser

Specifies the web browser for which the HTML result adapts.

Text Overflow

Specifies whether the text overflow is visible or hidden.

Run Linked Report

If the report is linked with other reports, you can check whether or not to generate the linked reports in the HTML result. If you are only interested in the primary report, leave this option unchecked. Generating linked reports at the same time, especially when the linked reports contain a large amount of data, will cause performance issue.


No Margin

Removes the margins you originally set while designing the report.

Compress Image

Compresses the images in the report by the percentage you specify in the box.

Generate charts and barcodes using images (recommended)

When you run a report in PDF format, JReport will take the result of the whole report as a graphic to transform the report by the method of simulated printer and generate the report result in PDF format.

Generate charts and barcodes using vector graphics

The result of using Generate charts and barcodes using vector graphics is the same as with using Generate charts and barcodes using images (recommended). However, when you run a report in PDF format using Generate charts and barcodes using vector graphics, JReport will take the result of the whole report as a dataset to transform the report by sequence and to generate the report result in PDF format.


Generates the report result to PDF format with a Table of Contents. Not supported for web report.


Generates the report result to a PDF file with the Drilldown feature enabled. The Drilldown feature enables you to inspect certain items for further detailed data.


Specifies whether to encrypt the PDF file. If checked, click the Settings button to configure the encrypt settings in the Encrypt dialog.


Specifies whether to add the digital sign to the PDF file. If checked, click the Settings button to configure the sign settings in the Sign dialog.

Run Linked Report

If the report is linked with other reports, you can check whether or not to generate the linked reports in the PDF result. If you are only interested in the primary report, leave this option unchecked. Generating linked reports at the same time, especially when the linked reports contain a large amount of data, will cause performance issue.


Excel Version

Specifies the Excel version to be used.


Specifies the format of the Excel result.

More/Less Options

Click to show/hide the additional settings for running the report to Excel. When Data Format is selected, only Word Wrap is available here.


Delimited Format

Generates the report result to a standard Text file, using a delimiter you specify to separate the fields.

Horizontal Density

Specifies the value for each unit of the horizontal density between columns. The resulting density is a direct ratio of the value you specify. That is, the greater the value, the smaller the width between columns. By default the density will be specified by JReport.

Vertical Density

Specifies the value for each unit of the vertical density between columns. The resulting density is a direct ratio of the value you specify. That is, the greater the value, the smaller the height between columns. By default the density will be specified by JReport.



Specifies whether to generate the report result to Text format in a compressed size, that is to say, there will be no clearance between the columns.

Header and Footer

If checked, the Text file will contain all headers and footers in the report, including Report Header/Footer, Page Header/Footer and Group Header/Footer. Otherwise, the Text file will only contain data in Detail panel.

Windows End-of-line (CR-LF)

Specifies to use Windows end-of-line characters to indicate the start of a new line. If checked, two characters <cr> and <lf> will be used at the end of the line.

Unix End-of-line (LF)

Specifies to use Unix End-of-line characters to indicate the start of a new line. If checked, only the Unix End-of-line character <lf> will be used.

Run Linked Report

If the report is linked with other reports, you can check whether or not to generate the linked reports in the Text result. If you are only interested in the primary report, leave this option unchecked. Generating linked reports at the same time, especially when the linked reports contain a large amount of data, will cause performance issue.


Best Editing

Specifies whether to apply flow layout for the RTF result.

No Margin

Removes the margins you originally set while designing the report.

Run Linked Report

If the report is linked with other reports, you can check whether or not to generate the linked reports in the RTF result. If you are only interested in the primary report, leave this option unchecked. Generating linked reports at the same time, especially when the linked reports contain a large amount of data, will cause performance issue.


Only Data

Schema File Name

Specifies the directory and the name of an existing XML schema (.xsd) file. If you specify an existing XML schema file, the generated XML file will be based on it. Otherwise, a new XML schema file will be generated to the directory where the XML file is generated. The new XML schema file and the XML file will have the same name but with different extensions.

Run Linked Report

If the report is linked with other reports, you can check whether or not to generate the linked reports in the XML result. If you are only interested in the primary report, leave this option unchecked. Generating linked reports at the same time, especially when the linked reports contain a large amount of data, will cause performance issue.


No Margin

Removes the margins you originally set while designing the report.

Run Linked Report

If the report is linked with other reports, you can check whether or not to generate the linked reports in the PostScript result. If you are only interested in the primary report, leave this option unchecked. Generating linked reports at the same time, especially when the linked reports contain a large amount of data, will cause performance issue.


Pop-up Window

Specifies to show an Applet window when viewing a report.

Zip Result

Specifies to compress the result and its size would be smaller.

Java Plug-In 1.2 for Windows

Directs applets to run using Sun's Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

Java Plug-In 1.3 for Windows

Directs applets to run using Sun's Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

Run Linked Report

If the report is linked with other reports, you can check whether or not to generate the linked reports in the Applet result. If you are only interested in the primary report, leave this option unchecked. Generating linked reports at the same time, especially when the linked reports contain a large amount of data, will cause performance issue.
