
JReport supports accessibility attributes and a built-in accessible JReport Server console. The implementation standard is based on HTML specification 4.01 and information on Section 508 Standards: and

Making HTML format report result accessible

When designing a report in JReport Designer, you can add the accessibility related HTML attributes to the report elements in order to make the HTML format result more readable and accessible. Those attributes are provided in the Accessibility category of the Report Inspector.

To add accessibility to a report in the HTML format result:

  1. Predefine necessary accessibility attributes when designing the report in JReport Designer.

    When a report element is selected, the corresponding accessibility attributes are available in the Report Inspector.

  2. Enable Section 508 compliant output when exporting the report to HTML format.

    In the HTML export option UI, check the option Section 508 Compliant Output.

    If you only want to convert table/crosstab components into HTML data table in the HTML format report result, check the option Use HTML Data Table.

    The above two options are available on all HTML export option UIs in JReport Designer, JReport Server and Page Report Studio.

The accessible version of JReport Server

JReport Server enables the disabled users to visit the accessible version with simplified functionality to read reports by reader agent or other assistive tools. In the accessible version, reports are displayed in HTML format with accessibility attributes, and table/crosstab components are output as HTML data table.

JReport Server provides an option - Use Accessible Version, for setting the accessible version of JReport Server as the default portal UI for an end user after the user logs in. The default port for accessible version is 8888 which is also the default port for JReport Console page in normal version. That is to say, the Use Accessible Version option controls switching between normal version and accessible version of JReport Server UI when logging onto port 8888. By default this option is unselected and end users are directed to the JReport Console page in normal version.

Activating the accessible version

The administrator can activate the accessible version for all users or for an individual user:

And a non-administrator user can also enable the accessible version by self on the JReport Console page in the following way:

  1. Log onto the JReport Console page and click Profile on the system toolbar.
  2. Click Customize Server Preferences on the task bar of the Profile page, then select the Advanced tab.
  3. Check the Use Accessible Version option, then click OK to save the change.

After a user has been enabled the access to Accessible Version, the user will be directed to the accessible version when he/she logs in next time. With the help of reader agent the user can navigate through the server resource to view the target report.

Main options in the accessible version UI

Directory Path

Displays the current directory where you have come to follow the server resource tree.

Up to Higher Level Directory

Goes to the parent level folder.

Up to Top Level Directory

Goes to the default portal page.

Leave Accessible Version

Redirects to the normal version of JReport Console page with full functionalities. Once you leave the accessible version, there is no way to return unless you re-log in. However, it is not recommended for the disabled to leave the accessible version unless having others' help.

Select User Directory

You can choose to open either the My Reports folder or the Public Reports folder.


Lists the catalogs used in the current directory.

Report List

Lists the folders and report and report tabs contained in the current directory. You can click the hyperlinks in the Name column to open them.