Add Dynamic Display Names dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Add Dynamic Display Names link in the Dynamic Display Names panel. It helps you to add dynamic display names for business view elements in a catalog for a specified SID (security identifier). See the dialog.


Specifies the catalog that contains the required business views for which you want to define dynamic display names.

Type the catalog with the full resource path in the text box, for example, /, or click the Browse button to select a catalog in the Select Catalog dialog.


The option is available when the organization feature is enabled. System admin can select an organization from the drop-down list. For an organization admin, the organization of the admin is selected by default and cannot be changed.


Specifies the SID for which you want to define dynamic display names. An SID can be a group, role, or user in the JReport Server security system. Select a value from the drop-down list. The x button in the text box is used to clear the current value. Empty means all the users (when the organization feature is enabled, empty means all the users in the specified organization).

Select Business View Elements

Opens the Select Business View Elements dialog to select business view elements in the specified catalog for which to define dynamic display names.


Deletes the selected business view elements.

Business view elements table

Checkboxes are used to specify whether or not to select the business view elements. Select the checkbox on the column header to select all the business view elements. After you select the business view elements, you can then delete them if you do not want them. You can also click the underlined column header name to sort the elements either by their qualified names or display names.


Applies the dynamic display names and exits the dialog.


Cancels adding the dynamic display names and closes the dialog.


Displays the help document about this feature.

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