Managing dynamic display names of business view elements

Administrators can define dynamic business view element display names for different SIDs (security identifiers that refer to the users, roles and groups in the JReport Server security system). Then, when any user of a specified SID logs onto JReport Server, the dynamic display names defined for the SID will be shown in the business view resource tree.

Dynamic display name resources have higher priority than NLS resources.

For business view elements that are not given dynamic display names, their original display names will be used.

Adding dynamic display names for business view elements

To create dynamic display names for business view elements in a catalog, take the following steps:

  1. On the JReport Administration page, select Configuration > Dynamic Display Names on the system toolbar.
  2. On the Dynamic Display Names panel, click the Add Dynamic Display Names link. The Add Dynamic Display Names dialog appears. See the dialog.

  3. In the Catalog text box, type in the catalog resource path, or click Browse to select one from the server resource tree.
  4. If the Organization option is available and editable, select an organization from the drop-down list. System is a category to include non-organization users.
  5. From the SID drop-down list, select a user, role or group for whom the dynamic display names will take effect. If left blank, it means all the users (when the organization feature is enabled, blank means all the users in the specified organization).
  6. Click the Select Business View Elements link, and the Select Business View Elements dialog appears. See the dialog.
  7. Select the business view elements in the catalog that you would like to define dynamic display names for the specified SID. To select all of the elements, select the All checkbox. Then click OK to go back to the Add Dynamic Display Names dialog.
  8. The selected business view elements will be listed in the business view elements table. Change their display names in the Dynamic Display Name column: double-click in a name text box to enter the editing mode, change the name, then click outside of the text box to accept the change.

    To remove a view element from the table, check the checkbox ahead of it, then click the Delete link above the table. You can select multiple elements and remove them at a time.

  9. Click OK to finish editing the names.

    A new dynamic display name resource row is now added on the Dynamic Display Names panel.

Editing dynamic display names

To edit the dynamic display names defined for a specific SID, on the Dynamic Display Names panel, click its corresponding Edit link in the Dynamic Display Names column. In the Edit Dynamic Display Names dialog, edit the dynamic display names as required. You can make the dynamic display names applied to another SID if you want.

Importing/exporting dynamic display names from/to a resource bundle file

A resource bundle file is a properties file with .properties as the suffix. It defines dynamic display names by key/value pairs. The key is a qualified object name. The format is [Data Source Name].[Business View Name].[Category Name].[Element Name], for example, Data Source 1.WorldWideSalesBV.Customers.Customer Name. The value is a dynamic display name.

Here is an example of the contents of a resource bundle file:

Data Source 1.SalesStatForRegionBV.Account Managers.Assigned Region=Region
Data Source 1.WorldWideSalesBV.Customers.Customer Name=Customer
Data Source 1.SalesStatForRegionBV.Account Managers=Managers

To import dynamic display names from a resource bundle file:

Locate the dynamic display name resource defined for a specific SID on the Dynamic Display Names panel and click Import in the Dynamic Display Names column. In the Select Dynamic Display Name File dialog, click Browse to select a local resource bundle file that defines the dynamic display names of the business view elements in a catalog and click OK. The dynamic display names defined in the resource bundle file will overwrite those in the current dynamic display name resource.

To export dynamic display names to a resource bundle file:

Locate the dynamic display name resource defined for a specific SID on the Dynamic Display Names panel and click Export in the Dynamic Display Names column. The dynamic display names defined in the resource will be exported to a resource bundle file.