Report Cube Editor window

This window appears when you right-click the Report Cube node and then select Add Report Cube from the shortcut menu, or right-click a report cube and click Edit Report Cube on its shortcut menu in the Catalog Browser. It helps you to edit a report cube. See the window.

The following are details about options in the window:






Resource Objects

Lists all the resources that can be inserted into the report cube.

Report Cube

You can add or edit the resources of the report cube in this panel. The resources are arranged in a tree structure. Under the root category, categories, cube elements, and hierarchies can be added. Categories are used as virtual folders to hold sub categories and cube elements. Cube elements can only be added into categories. Hierarchies can be added in any categories including the root category.

For how to add and edit elements in a report cube, see Adding/Editing elements.

For how to add hierarchies, see Defining hierarchies.

To change the display name of an element or the name of a hierarchy, use the Rename option on its shortcut menu.

To adjust the order of an element or a hierarchy, select it and click or on the toolbar. For an element, you can also make use of the Move Up and Move Down options on the shortcut menu.

To delete an element or a hierarchy, first select it, then click on the toolbar or use the Delete option on the shortcut menu. For an element, you can also drag it to the left panel to remove it. The root category cannot be removed.

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