Edit Report Cube Security dialog
This dialog appears when you do one of the following:
- Click Tools > Security Configuration in the Report Cube Editor window.
- In the Catalog Browser, navigate to a data source > Security, right-click Report Cube Security, and then select Edit Report Cube Security from the shortcut menu.
- In the Catalog Browser, expand a report cube, right-click Report Cube Security, and then click Edit Report Cube Security on the shortcut menu.
It helps you to define member-level security for report cubes. See the dialog.
The following are details about options in the dialog:
Lists all the users, roles and groups (also referred to as principals) for the security policy.
Adds a principal. After you click the button, a drop-down menu will be shown:
Exports the principals defined in the security policy to an xml file.
Deletes the selected principal. The everyone role cannot be deleted, and it by default has the Access and Visible permissions on all the data fields.
Edits the selected principal in the displayed dialog.
- Quick search toolbar
Type in text in the toolbar to search for principals in the list below. The names containing the matched text will be shown.
Lists all the report cubes in the current catalog data source.
- Quick search toolbar
Searches for the resource in the list below. The names containing the matched text will be shown.
Data Security
- Access
Specifies whether values of the selected field is available to the selected principal. Without the Access permission, when the principal runs reports which contain objects such as dynamic formulas and filters that reference the field, these objects will not be able to get values from the field and instead get a null value.
The Access permission can be set to Allow, Deny, or unknown (neither Allow nor Deny).
If a principal's Access permission on a field finally turns out to be unknown after inheriting permissions from the parent principals, the principal's Access permission on the field will be regarded as Deny.
The following options are enabled when a dimension field is selected.
- Allowed Set
Specifies the members of the selected dimension field which the selected principal is allowed to access. It could be <All>, some members of the dimension field, a condition that retrieves certain members, or null.
Edits the allowed members in the Edit Values dialog.
Deletes the specified members or condition.
- Denied Set
Specifies the members of the selected dimension field which the selected principal is not allowed to access. It could be <All>, some members of the dimension field, a condition, or null.
Edits the denied members in the Edit Values dialog.
Deletes the specified members or condition.
- Allow Unspecified Members
The option is available when a user is selected. It specifies whether the unspecified members are available to the user. The unspecified members here mean the members of the dimension field that are not specified in its allowed/denied set for the user or in the inherited allowed/denied set from the parents.
Resource Security
Applies all changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Displays the help document about this feature.
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