Viewing scheduled report results

When a scheduled task is finished, you can view the result of the scheduled report as required. To view the result, first of all you need to know the corresponding result's location. To get the location information:

  1. On the JReport Console page, click My Tasks on the system toolbar, then click the Completed tab, where all the successfully scheduled tasks are recorded.
  2. Locate the task in the tab and click the name of the task in the Schedule Name column.
  3. In the Result Details table, the location information of the scheduled result is available in the Details column.

Viewing results scheduled to version

To view report results that are scheduled to version, you can choose whether to view via the JReport Console page or via URL.

Viewing via the JReport Console page

One way to view results that are scheduled to version on the JReport Console page is via the scheduled task records. To do this:

  1. Click My Tasks on the system toolbar, then click the Completed tab.
  2. In the tab, locate the right task and click the name of the task in the Schedule Name column.
  3. In the Result Details table, the links to different result formats are available for viewing in the To Version row.

And another way to achieve the same purpose is via the server resource tree which to some extent varies with the archive location type specified in the Publish > To Version tab:

Tip: The unviewed version results are highlighted in bold. You can cancel the highlighting by setting the property web.version.mark_unviewed to false in the file in <install_root>\bin.

Viewing via URL

For the report results that are scheduled to version, you can also view them via URL. One important thing in the URL method is that you need to know the file name of the result that you want to view. To get this information, you can take the steps explained at the beginning of the document.

Using command jrs.view_ver_rst

See the example:


See details about the usage of the command jrs.view_ver_rst.

Using viewVersion.jsp

For example:



Viewing results scheduled to disk

When scheduling a report to disk,

Viewing results scheduled to e-mail/printer/fax/FTP

When a report is scheduled to e-mail, printer, fax, or FTP, you can view the scheduled result if the specified address or location is available to you.