Cached report bursting

Security in a report is a kind of privileged control. JReport supports cached report bursting which creates a security mechanism for controlling access to the report. By defining which groups of data are available to which users, groups, or roles, report results are created for each user, role and group. When a user accesses the report result, JReport checks the user, group and role of the user and merges the groups of data in the report the user is authorized to see and displays it to the user. Cached report bursting is implemented with these security properties on the group panel: Cascade, Grant, Groups, and Roles. The feature enables different users to view different data groups according to their access privileges. It also applies to nested groups.

For detailed descriptions about setting up cached report bursting in reports, see Setting up a cached report bursting policy for a report in the JReport Designer User's Guide.

This section focuses on how to view and schedule a report that has cached report bursting with JReport Server.