Converting reports of earlier versions into current version

If your JReport Server contains reports earlier than V8, during each server runtime lifecycle when you run such a report for the first time, the JReport Engine has to first convert the earlier version report into a current version report before running the report. This may result in decreased performance. To avoid this, JReport Server allows administrators to permanently convert reports earlier than V8 in the server resource tree to adapt to the current version.

Converting via the Administration UI

The converting UI is available to administrators only. It is used to convert all reports earlier than V8 in the My Reports folder or Public Reports folder. The converted reports are stored in the same directory.

To convert reports earlier than V8 into current version:

  1. On the JReport Administration page, click Resources on the system toolbar, then select Converting from the drop-down menu.
  2. Specify the folders which contain the reports you want to convert.

  3. Specify how to save the converted reports.
  4. When done, click OK to start converting.

Converting using tool

You can also use rptconv.bat/ located in the <install_root>\bin directory to convert a report and a type of reports or all reports earlier than V8 in a directory.