After you have installed JReport Server, many batch files are automatically generated in <install_root>\bin
. They are for assisting you with using and maintaining JReport Server. All of these batch files can be edited to suit different circumstances. However, make sure that you understand their functions when you want to edit them.
The following are the JReport Server launch files.
This tool detects the default client browser and installation path. It is invoked by launchpad.bat.
This tool is for sending commands to JReport Server. If the option "-s" or "-p" is not used, the JVM system property "reporthome" must be defined so that CmdSender.bat/ will use it to get data from the local machine.
cmdsender [-s:<server> -p:<port> -u:<user>] -w:<password> shutdown|localshutdown|(local:on|off)
This tool is for administrators to back up and restore JReport Server data. It is invoked by the following command line:
DBMaintain -[?|cleanup|B<[systemtables|realmtables|profiling]:<filename>>|R<[systemtables|realmtables|profiling]:<filename>>]
For example, for backing up the server data realmtables to file c:\jsback.dat
, you can type:
DBMaintain -Brealmtables:c:\jsback.dat
For example, for restoring server data realmtables from the file c:\jsback.dat
, you can type:
DBMaintain -Rrealmtables:c:\jsback.dat
This tool is used to launch JReport Server with debug and log information. The output log files are in the <install_root>\logs
directory. In case of problems, you may run this batch to reproduce the problem. Open the files to see the detail information and find out the problem. Send the log files to if you are unable to resolve the problem.
DJRServer [-?|-p <port>|-ap <adminport>|-realm <realmname>|-l backlog|-m <max>
|-t <timeout>|-s <filename>|-web <directory>|-env|-silent|
|-local|-vDebug|-vError|-jrs.admin.server <host:port>|-cleanup]
will be used as the servlet property file when launching JReport Server.<intall_root>\public_html
.This tool is used to launch JReport Server in standalone mode without any predefined options.
On Windows, you can start server by double-clicking on JRServer.bat. If you cannot start the server successfully in this way, the reason will be displayed in the MS-DOS command prompt.
JRServer [-?|-p <port>|-ap <adminport>|-realm <realmname>|-l backlog|-m <max>
|-t <timeout>|-s <filename>|-web <directory>|-env|-silent|
|-local|-vDebug|-vError|-logall|-jrs.admin.server <host:port>|-cleanup]
will be used as the servlet property file when launching JReport Server.<intall_root>\public_html
This tool is for generating the report environment file report.env in the current directory. This file can help the Jinfonet support staff assist you when you run into problems.
This tool is used to launch JReport Server in the standalone mode and open the JReport Server Launch Pad page.
See here.
This tool is used to convert all the resources from JReport versions which are lower than V5.2 Build 590 to the resources of JReport Server V8. If you install the new version to the same folder as the old one, the parameter can be omitted.
MigrationBV52 [orgReportHome]
This tool is used to convert all the resources of which the versions are between V5.2 Build 590 (included) and V6 (not included) to the resources of JReport Server V8. If you install the new version to the same folder as the old one, the parameter can be omitted.
MigrationV52 [orgReportHome]
This tool is used to launch JReport Server without JIT option. If your server often crashes with JIT option, try this batch file instead of JRServer.bat.
NJRServer [-?|-p <port>|-ap <adminport>|-realm <realmname>|-l backlog|-m <max>
|-t <timeout>|-s <filename>|-web <directory>|-env|-silent|
|-local|-vDebug|-vError|-logall|-jrs.admin.server <host:port>|-cleanup]
will be used as the servlet property file when launching JReport Server.<intall_root>\public_html
.It is invoked by browser.bat.
This tool is used to generate the rmi authentication file. JReport Server uses the authentication file to secure remote objects. If no argument was provided, an authentication file named "rmi.auth" will be created in <install_root>\bin
, using the user ID and install key of JReport Server.
RMIAuthFileCreator [authFileName [userid key]]
This tool is for replacing user ID and license key.
rp UID Key
This tool is for converting old report schema to be current version.
rptconv "-source=source_path" ["-target=destination_path"] [-r] [-s]
If this option is set, ["-target=destination_path"] is ignored.
If both "-r" and "-target" are not specified, the converted reports are saved in the same directory as the source reports and named as "converted_SourceReportName".
rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Server\jreports\InvoiceReport.cls" "–target=C:\temp"
This will convert C:\JReport\Server\jreports\InvoiceReport.cls to C:\temp\InvoiceReport.cls.
rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Server\jreports\InvoiceReport.cls" "–target=C:\temp\1.cls.xml"
This will convert C:\JReport\Server\jreports\InvoiceReport.cls, save the converted report to C:\temp
, and name it as "1.cls.xml" (if license allows).
rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Server\jreports\InvoiceReport.cls"
This will convert C:\JReport\Server\jreports\InvoiceReport.cls, save the converted report in the same directory, and name it as "converted_InvoiceReport.cls".
rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Server\jreports\InvoiceReport.cls" -r
This will overwrite C:\JReport\Server\jreports\InvoiceReport.cls.
rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Server\jreports" "–target=C:\temp"
This will convert all the reports in C:\JReport\Server\jreports and save the converted reports to C:\temp
. The converted reports use the same file names as source reports.
rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Server\jreports" "–target=C:\temp" -s
This will convert all the reports in C:\JReport\Server\jreports and in the subdirectories and save the converted reports to C:\temp
. The converted reports take the same file names and directory structure as source reports.
rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Server\jreports" "–target=C:\temp\*.cls" -s
This will convert all the reports in C:\JReport\Server\jreports and in the subdirectories and save the converted reports to C:\temp
. The converted reports take the same directory structure as source reports and the suffixes of their file names are all changed to ".cls".
rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Server\jreports" -r -s
This will convert all the reports in C:\JReport\Server\jreports and in the subdirectories. The converted reports overwrite the source reports.
rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Server\jreports"
This will convert all the reports in C:\JReport\Server\jreports. All the converted reports are saved in the same directory and named as "converted_SourceReportName".
The usage is similar to converting a directory. You can specify the wildcard to filter reports, for example:
rptconv "-source=C:\JReport\Server\jreports\*.cls" "–target=C:\temp"
This will convert all the reports with the suffix ".cls" in C:\JReport\Server\jreports
and save the converted reports to C:\temp
This tool is used to launch the JReport Administration page from the Start menu after the server is started.
This tool is used to launch the JReport Console page from the Start menu after the server is started.
This tool is used to exit JReport Server from the Start menu.
This tool is used to exit JReport Server.