Export dialog

This dialog appears when you click Menu > File > Export. It helps you to set settings for exporting the report result to different formats. See the dialog.

File Name
Specify a name for the result file in the field.

View Report Result

If selected, the result will be directly opened in the web browser if the format is supported by a plug-in of the web browser; otherwise you will be prompted to save the result file.

Save to File System

If selected, the report result will be saved to a specified folder.

Save to Version System

If selected, the report result will be saved as a result version in JReport Server's versioning system.

Select Format

Specifies the format to which the report result will be exported.

More/Less Options

Click to show/hide the additional settings for exporting the report to the specified format.


Exports the report with the settings you specified.


Cancels the operation and closes this dialog.


Displays the help document about this feature.