Page Report Studio

With JReport Server, you can obtain report result in different formats, such as HTML, PDF, and Excel. For the HTML format, there are two viewing modes - pure HTML or Dynamic HTML. Page Report Studio provides a dynamic report view at the client side. You can change options which enable the results to be displayed to your requirements.

Interactive information empowers you to slice and dice your business data, to dynamically change your view of data, and to analyze the data to glean useful business information. In short, interactive information enables you to customize your view of business information. With JReport, any report can be made interactive, extending the "life" of the report by allowing you to easily sort, navigate, and filter data via Page Report Studio. This wide range of functionality, including the ability to drill down on data, enables you to quickly derive value from your business intelligence data.

Page Report Studio provides support for many features. You can dynamically modify - filter, search, sort and drill - reports to obtain unique and personal data views. The Page Report Studio toolbar and interactive web objects (images, buttons, text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, drop-down lists and so on) can be embedded into reports or JSPs at design time, enabling you to control, customize and navigate report views. Page Report Studio also supports a web design feature, allowing you to create reports using report oriented data structures, save your report, and even save your custom modifications to existing reports.

This chapter covers the following topics to help you better understand how Page Report Studio makes reports interactive and how you will benefit: