Appendix 2: Preference properties

This appendix provides a list of properties in the and files, which are created in <install_root>\realm\defaultRealm\UserName once the JReport Server and profile preferences are configured and saved for a user in the Profile dialog on the JReport Administration or Console page, and the detailed information about these properties.

Properties in

Property Name Default Value Description
active_catalog false Specifies whether to display the Catalog column on the My Tasks > Running page.
active_engine_status false Specifies whether to display the Engine Status column on the My Tasks > Running page.
active_launch_type false Specifies whether to display the Launch Type column on the My Tasks > Running page.
active_parameters false Specifies whether to display the Parameter File column on the My Tasks > Running page.
active_parameters_values true Specifies whether to display the Parameters column on the My Tasks > Running page.
active_report true Specifies whether to display the Report column on the My Tasks > Running page.
active_reports false Specifies whether to display the Report Tabs column on the My Tasks > Running page.
active_started_time true Specifies whether to display the Start Time column on the My Tasks > Running page.
active_submitter false Specifies whether to display the Requester column on the My Tasks > Running page.
active_task_id false Specifies whether to display the Task ID column on the My Tasks > Running page.
active_task_name true Specifies whether to display the Schedule Name column on the My Tasks > Running page.
active_task_type true Specifies whether to display the Task Type column on the My Tasks > Running page.
background_format true Specifies whether to display the Result column on the My Tasks > Background Tasks page.
background_status true Specifies whether to display the Status column on the My Tasks > Background Tasks page.
cat_version_number true Specifies whether to display the Number column in the version table of a catalog.
completed_catalog false Specifies whether to display the Catalog column on the My Tasks > Completed page.
completed_completed_time true Specifies whether to display the Completed Time column on the My Tasks > Completed page.
completed_engine_status false Specifies whether to display the Engine Status column on the My Tasks > Completed page.
completed_error_message false Specifies whether to display the Error Message column on the My Tasks > Completed page.
completed_is_successful true Specifies whether to display the Is Successful column on the My Tasks > Completed page.
completed_launch_type false Specifies whether to display the Launch Type on the My Tasks > Completed page.
completed_parameter_file false Specifies whether to display the Parameter File on the My Tasks > Completed page.
completed_parameters false Specifies whether to display the Parameters on the My Tasks > Completed page.
completed_report true Specifies whether to display the Report column on the My Tasks > Completed page.
completed_reports false Specifies whether to display the Report Tabs column on the My Tasks > Completed page.
completed_result_files false Specifies whether to display the Result Files on the My Tasks > Completed page.
completed_submitter false Specifies whether to display the Requester column on the My Tasks > Completed page.
completed_task_id false Specifies whether to display the Task ID column on the My Tasks > Completed page.
completed_task_name true Specifies whether to display the Schedule Name column on the My Tasks > Completed page.
completed_task_type true Specifies whether to display the Task Type column on the My Tasks > Completed page.
days_definition_for_completed 0 Specifies for how many days JReport Server will keep the completed tasks in the Completed table. If the value is set to 0, the server will keep the completed tasks until you delete them from the My Tasks > Completed page.
default_view_format 8 Specifies the default format for viewing reports.

If the property Default Format for Viewing Report of a report tab or a web report has been set to a specific format when the report is designed in JReport Designer, the value in Designer has higher priority than the one here.

  • 0 - Applet
  • 1 - HTML
  • 2 - PDF
  • 3 - TEXT
  • 4 - Excel
  • 5 - PostScript
  • 6 - Rich Text Format
  • 7 - XML
  • 8 - Page Report
doc_version_creator true Specifies whether to display the Creator column in the version table of a result.
doc_version_number true Specifies whether to display the Version Number column in the version table of a result.
doc_version_output true Specifies whether to display the Results column in the version table of a result.
doc_version_parameters true Specifies whether to display the Parameters column in the version table of a result.
enable_setting_display_language false Specifies whether to enable customizing the environment language for JReport Server.
folder_selector_format 2 Specifies the type of the tool used for selecting folder paths from the file system. This property is applied to local publishment only.
  • 0 - JavaScript format
  • 1 - VBScript format
  • 2 - JSP format
is_forced_language false Specifies whether to reset all users' default language to the one specified via locale_nls.
jrs.applet_type 3 Specifies the Java runtime environment to run applets.
  • 2 - Java Plug-In 1.2 for Windows
  • 3 - Java Plug-In 1.3 for Windows
jrs.best_editing_rtp false Specifies whether to apply flow layout in the RTF result.
jrs.compress_image_pdf 20 Specifies the percentage by which to compress images in the PDF result.
jrs.delimiter - Specifies the delimiter to separate fields in the Text result.
jrs.dhtml_resolution 96 Specifies the resolution of the Page Report Result to zoom in/out, in DPI. The default value is obtained from the operation system, which is the resolution of your monitor, for example, 72 DPI on Unix or 96 on Windows. You can set higher/lower value to zoom in/out.
jrs.drilldown false Specifies whether to generate the HTML result with the Drilldown feature enabled. The Drilldown feature enables you to inspect certain items for further detailed data.
jrs.drilldown_pdf false Specifies whether to generate the PDF result with the Drilldown feature enabled. The Drilldown feature enables you to inspect certain items for further detailed data.
jrs.embedded_css false Specifies whether to embed the cascading style sheet (CSS) in the exported HTML files; otherwise, the .css file will be generated individually. This property takes effect only when jrs.is_multi_files is set to true, that is the report result is generated to multiple HTML files.
jrs.enable_save_used_parameter_values true Specifies whether to enable saving parameter values for reuse next time when specifying parameter values in order to run reports.
jrs.enable_to_prefer_server true Specifies whether a task can be performed on a manually specified clustered server when scheduling a report or running a report in Advanced mode. Only available in clustered environments.
jrs.excel_advanced false Specifies whether to show additional settings for exporting to Excel. When jrs.excel2000 is set to true, this property is of no use.
jrs.excel_layout true Specifies the layout of the Excel result.
  • true - The layout will be in report format, which means JReport will attempt to make the formatting of the report in Excel match the format as designed in the template.
  • false - The layout will be in column format, which means the calculation method used for all components' row/column values in the report will be decided by the Columned property value of the report specified at report design time when exporting.
jrs.excel2000 false If this property is set to true, only the report data will be exported without format in the Excel result.
jrs.format_chart 0 Specifies the image chart type. This property takes effect only when jrs.is_applet_chart is set to false.
  • 0 - Auto select
  • 1 - GIF
  • 2 - JPEG
  • 3 - PNG
jrs.frameapplet true Specifies whether to show an Applet window when exporting to Applet.
jrs.has_hyperlink true Specifies whether to remove hyperlinks from the HTML result. This property takes effect only when jrs.is_multi_files is set to false, that is the report result is generated to a single HTML file.
jrs.has_page_number true Specifies whether to remove page numbers from the HTML result. This property takes effect only when jrs.is_multi_files is set to false, that is the report result is generated to a single HTML file.
jrs.has_pdf_permis_pasw false Specifies whether to use a permission password to restrict users from printing and editing the PDF format result.
jrs.has_shapes false Specifies whether to include drawing objects in the Excel result, such as line, oval, and box.
jrs.hasHeadFoot true Specifies whether to contain all headers and footers in the Text result, including Report Header/Footer, Page Header/Footer and Group Header/Footer. If false, the Text result will only contain data in the Detail panel.
jrs.html_resolution 96 Specifies the resolution of the HTML result to zoom in/out, in DPI. The default value is obtained from the operation system, which is the resolution of your monitor, for example, 72 DPI on Unix or 96 on Windows. You can set higher/lower value to zoom in/out.
jrs.is_applet_chart true Specifies the way of displaying charts in the HTML result:

  • true - Uses a Java applet to display charts.
  • false - Charts will be displayed as images.
jrs.is_multi_files false Specifies whether to generate the report result to multiple HTML files.
  • true - Generates the report result to multiple HTML files.
  • false - Generates the report result to a single HTML file.
jrs.is_norm_txt true Specifies whether the report result is in normal Text format:
  • true - Normal Text format
  • false - Delimited format
jrs.is_only_data false Specifies whether to include report data in the XML result.
jrs.is_quotemark true Specifies whether to use quote marks in the Text result. This property takes effect only when jrs.is_norm_txt is set to false.
jrs.is_repeat false Specifies whether to use value of the previous cell in the same column when a cell in the Text result has no value. This property takes effect only when jrs.is_norm_txt is set to false.
jrs.is_text_delimiter jrs.is_csv Specifies the delimiter type to separate fields in the Text result. This property takes effect only when jrs.is_norm_txt is set to false.


  • jrs.is_csv - CSV format
  • jrs.is_tab - Tab delimiter
  • jrs.delimiter - User defined delimiter. You need to set the delimiter via jrs.delimiter.
jrs.is_wordwrap 0 Specifies the way of dealing with word wrap in the Excel result.
  • 0 - Keeps all the settings of each object's Word Wrap property originally specified in the report.
  • 1 - Disables the Word Wrap property for all objects. That is, the Word Wrap property is made false for all objects.
  • 2 - Enables the Word Wrap property for all objects. That is, the Word Wrap property is made true for all objects.
jrs.no_margin_html false Specifies whether to remove margins from the HTML result.
jrs.no_margin_pdf false Specifies whether to remove margins from the PDF result.
jrs.no_margin_ps false Specifies whether to remove margins from the PostScript result.
jrs.no_margin_rtf false Specifies whether to remove margins from the RTF result.
jrs.password_pdf - Specifies the password to help prevent users from opening the PDF result without authorization.
jrs.pdf_changallow 4 Specifies the editing actions that are permitted in the PDF result.
  • 0 - None
  • 1 - Inserting, deleting, and rotating pages
  • 2 - Filling in form fields and signing
  • 3 - Commenting filling in form fields, and signing
  • 4 - Any except extracting pages
jrs.pdf_check_enableaccess true Specifies whether to allow visually impaired users to read the PDF result with screen readers. This property is available only when jrs.pdf_compatibitly=1.
jrs.pdf_check_enablecopy false Specifies whether to allow users to select and copy the contents of the PDF result.
jrs.pdf_compatibitly 1 Specifies the encryption type to encrypt the PDF result.
  • 0 - Acrobat 3.0 and later, which uses a low encryption level (40-bit RC4).
  • 1 - Acrobat 5.0 and later, which uses a high encryption level (128-bit RC4).
jrs.pdf_contact_inf - Specifies your contact information for signing the PDF result.
jrs.pdf_digital_path - Specifies the digital ID file from a specified directory for the PDF result.
jrs.pdf_document_reson None Specifies the reason for signing the PDF result. The value can be one of the following:
  • None
  • I am the author of this document
  • I have reviewed this document
  • I am approving this document
  • I attest to the accuracy and integrity of this document
  • I agree to the terms defined by the placement of my signature on this document
  • I agree to 'specified' portions of this document
jrs.pdf_edit_yourself - Specifies your reason for signing the PDF result.
jrs.pdf_encrypt false Specifies whether to encrypt the PDF result.
jrs.pdf_location - Specifies your location for signing the PDF result.
jrs.pdf_permis_pasw - Specifies the password to help restrict users from printing and editing the PDF result. You cannot use the same password as jrs.password_pdf.
jrs.pdf_printallow 2 Specifies the printing quality for the PDF result.
  • 0 - None
  • 1 - Low Resolution (150 dpi)
  • 2 - High Resolution
jrs.pdf_sign false Specifies whether to add digital sign to the PDF result.
jrs.pdf_sign_method -1 Specifies the digital signing method for the PDF result. The default value -1 means that no value is set.
  • 0 - Windows Certificate Security
  • 1 - Default Certificate Security
  • 2 - VeriSign Digital Signatures
jrs.pdf_user_pasw - Specifies the password for the digital ID file specified via jrs.pdf_digital_path.
jrs.print_footer - Specifies the page footer text for the Excel result.
jrs.print_gridlines false Specifies whether to include gridlines in the Excel result.
jrs.print_header - Specifies the page header text in the Excel result.
jrs.print_mode_pdf false
  • false - When you run a report in PDF format, JReport will take the result of the whole report as a graphic to transform the report by the method of simulated printer and generate the report result in PDF format.
  • true - When you run a report in PDF format, JReport will take the result of the whole report as a dataset to transform the report by sequence and to generate the report result in PDF format.
jrs.relative_font_size false Specifies whether to generate the HTML result using a relative font size or an absolute font size.
  • true - Using a relative font size. The font size can be adjusted according to the font size settings in the web browser.
  • false - Using an absolute font size, which means that the font size is fixed, and cannot be adjusted according to the font size settings in the web browser.
jrs.text_overflow 1 Specifies whether the text overflow is visible or hidden in the HTML result.
  • 0 - VISIBLE
  • 1 - HIDDEN
jrs.toc_pdf false Specifies whether to generate the PDF result with a Table of Contents.
jrs.txt_compress false Specifies whether to generate the Text result in a compressed size, that is to say, there will be no clearance between the columns.
jrs.txt_windows true Specifies whether to use Windows end-of-line characters to indicate the start of a new line in the Text result.
  • true - Use Windows end-of-line characters. Two characters <cr> and <lf> will be used at the end of a line.
  • false - Use Unix End-of-line characters. Only the Unix End-of-line character <lf> will be used.
jrs.udchar_height - Specifies the value for each unit of the vertical density between columns in the Text result. The result density is a direct ratio of the value you specify. That is, the greater the value, the smaller the height between columns. By default the density will be specified by JReport.
jrs.udchar_width - Specifies the value for each unit of the horizontal density between columns in the Text result. The result density is a direct ratio of the value you specify. That is, the greater the value, the smaller the width between columns. By default the density will be specified by JReport.
jrs.use_html_table false Specifies whether the table and crosstab components will be output as table objects in the HTML result.
jrs.use_section508_compliant_page false Specifies whether to set the accessible version of JReport Server as the default portal instead of JReport Console page. In the accessible version, reports are displayed in the HTML format with accessibility attributes, and table/crosstab components are output as HTML data table. With the help of reader agent end users can navigate through the server resource to view the target report. See Accessibility for more information.
jrs.use_section508_output false Specifies whether the accessibility attributes defined for report elements via the Report Inspector will be exported to the HTML result.
jrs.user_last_login_time true Specifies whether to display the last login time of a user on the top banner of JReport Server. If true, the login time will be recorded in the file in <install_root>\bin after JReport Server shuts down.
jrs.user_last_logout_time false Specifies whether to display the last logout time of a user on the top banner of JReport Server. If true, the logout time will be recorded in the file in <install_root>\bin after JReport Server shuts down.
jrs.web_browser 0 Specifies the web browser for which the HTML result adapts.
  • 0 - IE or Chrome
  • 1 - Firefox
jrs.zip_applet_result false Specifies whether to compress the Applet result and make the size smaller.
jrs.zip_result false Specifies whether to compress the JReport Result result and make the size smaller.
locale_nls en_US Specifies the environment language for JReport Server. All UI text and messages will be displayed in the specified language.
max_autocomplete_list_num 3 When specifying parameter values in order to run or schedule to run a report, you can save the specified parameter values for the report as a list. This property is used to control the maximum number of the saved parameter value lists for the report.
ondemands_cancelled false Specifies whether to display the Cancelled column on the My Tasks > Background Tasks page.
ondemands_catalog false Specifies whether to display the Catalog column on the My Tasks > Background Tasks page.
ondemands_catalog_version false Specifies whether to display the Catalog Version Number column on the My Tasks > Background Tasks page.
ondemands_parameter false Specifies whether to display the Parameters column on the My Tasks > Background Tasks page.
ondemands_report_version false Specifies whether to display the Report Version Number column on the My Tasks > Background Tasks page.
ondemands_started_time true Specifies whether to display the Start Time column on the My Tasks > Background Tasks page.
ondemands_time true Specifies whether to display the Finish Time column on the My Tasks > Background Tasks page.
ondemands_time_elapse false Specifies whether to display the Elapse Time column on the My Tasks > Background Tasks page.
only_css_style true Specifies whether to display only the CSS styles in the style list.
page_style 1 Specifies the View Mode on the Resources page:
  • 0 - Icons
  • 1 - Details
  • 2 - Thumbnails
parameters_display_size 100 Specifies the display length in characters of the parameters that are to be applied to both the completed and active schedules.
popup_dhtml_window true Specifies whether to show a Page Report Studio window when you view a report in Page Report format.
profile_enable_hiding_initial_parameter_dialog_4_jreport_studio true Specifies whether to enable users to hide the initial parameter dialog for running web reports.
profile_enable_hiding_initial_parameter_dialog_4_jreport_viewer true Specifies whether to enable users to hide the initial parameter dialog for running page reports.
profile_enable_setting_default_parameter_values_4_jdashboard true Specifies whether to enable users to set default parameter values for dashboards in JDashboard.
profile_enable_setting_default_parameter_values_4_jreport_studio true Specifies whether to enable users to set default parameter values for web reports.
profile_enable_setting_default_parameter_values_4_jreport_viewer true Specifies whether to enable users to set default parameter values for page reports.
reports_description true Specifies whether to display the Description column on the Resources page.
reports_last_modified true Specifies whether to display the Last Modified column on the Resources page.
reports_type true Specifies whether to display the Type column on the Resources page.
rpt_version_number true Specifies whether to display the Version Number column in the version table of a report.
scheduled_catalog false Specifies whether to display the Catalog column on the My Tasks > Scheduled page.
scheduled_is_enable true Specifies whether to display the Is Enabled column on the My Tasks > Scheduled page.
scheduled_is_successful false Specifies whether to display the Is Successful column on the My Tasks > Scheduled page.
scheduled_last_run_at false Specifies whether to display the Last Run Time column on the My Tasks > Scheduled page.
scheduled_launch_type false Specifies whether to display the Launch Type column on the My Tasks > Scheduled page.
scheduled_next_run_at true Specifies whether to display the Next Run Time column on the My Tasks > Scheduled page.
scheduled_report true Specifies whether to display the Report column on the My Tasks > Scheduled page.
scheduled_reports false Specifies whether to display the Report Tabs column on the My Tasks > Scheduled page.
scheduled_submitter false Specifies whether to display the Requester column on the My Tasks > Scheduled page.
scheduled_task_id false Specifies whether to display the Task ID column on the My Tasks > Scheduled page.
scheduled_task_name true Specifies whether to display the Schedule Name column on the My Tasks > Scheduled page.
scheduled_task_type true Specifies whether to display the Task Type column on the My Tasks > Scheduled page.
skin_enable_loading_statue true Specifies whether to upload a local image to Server as the loading status image appearing in waiting pages.
skin_enable_waitting_page true Specifies whether to show waiting pages and customize them.
skin_format standard Specifies the skin format applied to JReport Server and Page Report Studio UI. The value can be standard, classical, or xp (xp means Windows XP).
skin_statue_align Bottom Specifies the relative position of the image as compared to tip text in waiting pages. The value can be Top, Bottom, Left, or Right.
skin_style Default Specifies skin style of waiting pages. The value can be Default, Customize, or Appointment.
skin_tip_font_family Tahoma Specifies font face of tip text in the waiting pages.
skin_tip_font_isblod true Specifies whether tip text font is bold in the waiting pages.
skin_tip_font_isitalic false Specifies whether tip text font is italic in the waiting pages.
skin_tip_font_isunderline false Specifies whether tip text font is underline in the waiting pages.
skin_tip_font_size 11 Specifies font size of tip text in the waiting pages.
skin_waitting_page waiting.jsp Specifies the JSP file name which will be used after the JSP file is uploaded to server.
skin_waitting_statue loadingxp.gif Specifies an image file name which will be used after the image is uploaded to server.
version_creator true Specifies whether to display the Creator column in the version table of a report.
version_number true Specifies whether to display the Version Number column in the version table of a report.
version_output true Specifies whether to display the Result column in the version table of a report.
version_parameters true Specifies whether to display the Parameters in the version table of a report.

Properties in

Property Name Default Value Description
dhtml.advanceuser false Specifies whether to enable the Page Report Studio advanced features, such as editing group and report properties from the shortcut menu. In Page Report Studio, some features are only available for advanced users, including the following:
  • Advanced users can use a formula to control the value of a property. If a Boolean type property in a report is set to be controlled by a formula, it will be displayed as a checkbox, with mixed value. This means that this option is currently controlled by a formula.
  • Editing group and report properties (can be accessed by using the Group and Report command on the shortcut menu).
  • Modifying the properties of images, special fields, and parameters (can be accessed by using the Properties command on the shortcut menu).
  • Further options are available for advanced users, such as the options in the Export and Other tabs.
dhtml.align_summaries false Specifies whether to make summaries aligned vertically, which are created via the report wizard and have the same summary function.
dhtml.autorefresh false Specifies whether to enable the Auto Refresh feature, which automatically refreshes the Page Report Studio window at certain intervals, so as to make the server session never time out when any Page Report Studio window is open. The auto refresh time interval equals user session time out minus 16 seconds.
dhtml.background.mode.timeout 900 Specifies the time allowed for a page report running in Page Report Studio to run in foreground mode, in seconds. After the specifies time expires, the page report will automatically be switched to run in background mode.
dhtml.background.mode.timeout.edit true Specifies whether to move page reports running in Page Report Studio to run in background mode automatically after a specified time period.
dhtml.bcfilter_prompt true Specifies whether to prompt the Query Filter dialog when inserting the first field from the Resource View panel into a blank component. 180 When end user clicks the close button of the web browser to close a page report running in Page Report Studio, the report will not be closed immediately. This property specifies the time (in seconds) after which the report will be closed if end user chooses this way to close a page report. It's recommended to set the value to no less than 30 seconds.
dhtml.convertquery_prompt true Specifies whether to prompt the Convert Data Fields dialog when performing data analytic actions on reports, which are created in JReport Designer or in Page Report Studio.
dhtml.createreport_prompt true Specifies whether to prompt with a message box when JReport is going to adjust the page size if the width of a table exceeds the defined page size.
dhtml.currentprofile - Specifies the profile which will be used as the default profile to run reports in Page Report Studio.
dhtml.currentskin standard Specifies the skin of the Page Report Studio user interface. JReport provides you with three sets of skins: classical, standard, and xp. You can also create your own skin and apply it to your Page Report Studio user interface.

When creating skins, pay attention to the following:

  • A skin must have a name and it is defined in the file in <intall_root>\public_html\skin.
  • A skin includes two parts, style files and image files. The style files should be saved in <intall_root>\public_html\style\dhtml\xxx (xxx is the name of the skin), and the corresponding images in <intall_root>\public_html\images\dhtml\xxx.
dhtml.customize_indent false Specifies whether to allow customizing the indent of groups created via the report wizard. By default, when end users create groups in a report via the report wizard in Page Report Studio, the groups will be indented according to the width of the group fields.
dhtml.customize_indent_size 0 Specifies the indent of the groups created via the report wizard, in inches.
dhtml.dso.default false Specifies whether to show the Resource View panel.
dhtml.grid_color #808080 Specifies the color of the grids.
dhtml.grid_inches_size 0.07 Specifies size of the grids, in inches. false Specifies whehter to use another thread to perform an action instead of the request thread.
dhtml.master.default true Specifies whether to show the master report in the same window when opening a detail report. If true, end users can go back to the master report by clicking the master report name link. When it is set to false, the master report will be closed after the detail report is opened.
dhtml.mwttp.default true Specifies whether to allow using the mouse wheel to scroll up/down reports.
dhtml.popup.default true Specifies whether to show a shortcut menu when you click the right mouse button. false Specifies whether to display a new web browser window for the link target, which can be a link report, a detail report, a URL, a chart hyperlink, or the detailed information created from the go-to-detail function. When defining such links in JReport Designer, if you have specified Server Setting as the target frame of the links, this property will decide where the corresponding link targets will be displayed.
dhtml.privew.default false Specifies whether to show editing marks (dashed outlines for objects and report body). If it is set to false, the editing mark will not be shown when a report object receives focus, and report objects cannot be moved or resized.
dhtml.recordnumber.default -1 Specifies the maximum number of records that will be retrieved by components in the report. true Specifies whether to show the Remove Filter item on the Filter submenu. true Specifies whether to show the Bottom N item on the Filter submenu. true Specifies whether to show the More item on the Filter submenu. true Specifies whether to show the Top N item on the Filter submenu. 60 Specifies the maximum number of page reports that can be opened at the same time in Page Report Stuidio. false Specifies whether to limit the number of page reports that can be opened at the same time in Page Report Studio. true Specifies the way of running and laying out a report in Page Report Studio.

If the property is set to true, the required pages will be formatted. The total number of pages will not be known and will show as a + sign. If it is set to false, all report pages will be formatted. This shows the total number of pages but will take longer to show the first page. false Specifies the way of running and laying out a report in Page Report Studio.

If the property is set to true, data will be fetched for the required page and then the page will be formatted. The contents of the displayed pages may be incomplete for lack of data integrity and will then be refreshed when their data is ready. The first page will be displayed more quickly. If it is set to false, all data will be fetched before report pages are formatted. The displayed pages are complete.

dhtml.reportlayout blank Specifies the default report layout when creating a report in Page Report Studio. Can be blank, table, crosstab, chart and section. default Specifies the linked catalog model when saving report into a new directory in Page Report Studio.
  • default - It means to link the saved report with the catalog.
  • copy - It means to copy the catalog to the target directory where the report is saved. true Specifies whether to enable setting the linked catalog model when saving report into a new directory in Page Report Studio. true Specifies whether to check the Save Filter Criteria option by default when saving a report to a report version or as a new report. true Specifies whether to pop up the save criteria dialog after performing some filter/sort action on a report in Page Report Studio and closing the report. true Specifies whether to check the Save Sort Criteria option by default when saving a report to a report version or as a new report.
dthml.show_grids false Specifies whether to show grids in Page Report Studio report area.
dhtml.showSpalshScreen onlyFirstTime Specifies whether to show the splash screen, which is the JReport logo and displays when a page report is opened in Page Report Studio.
dhtml.snap_to_grids true Specifies whether or not to snap an object to grids when moving it by dragging and dropping in Page Report Studio report area.
dhtml.stylegroup Commercial<CSS> Specifies the default selected style for the four types of components when creating them via the report wizard in Page Report Studio: table, crosstab, chart, and banded object.

The value can be any of the CSS style in the <install_root>\style directory. false Specifies whether to switch among report tabs in a report.
dhtml.title Powered by JReport Specifies the title for the Page Report Studio window (displayed on the Page Report Studio window title bar).
dhtml.toc.default false Specifies whether to show the TOC Browser.
dhtml.toc.groupbyname false Specifies whether to show the groups by name in the TOC panel.
dhtml.toolbar.default true Specifies whether to show a default toolbar in the Page Report Studio window. Standard|View|Analysis| Specifies the toolbars that will be displayed in the Page Report Studio window. Use "|" to separate the toolbars. To create toolbars, go to the Options dialog.
dhtml.toolbar.items 16|17|18|19|20|22|0|7|8|
Specifies the commands and the sequence of the commands that will be displayed on the toolbars defined by Use "|" to separate the commands and "," to separate the toolbars. If you are not clear about the toolbar commands, go to the Options dialog to set them.
dhtml.toolbox.default false Specifies whether to show the Toolbox panel.
dhtml.tooltips true Specifies whether to show the tool tips for toolbar commands.
dhtml.userbar.default false Specifies whether to show the User Information bar. This bar is on the top of the Page Report Studio window which shows information about the user, catalog, and report.
dhtml.vertical_group_header false Specifies whether to place the group headers in a table vertically when creating a new table or inserting new groups to a table in Page Report Studio. This property is deprecated.
dhtml.zoom.default 100 Specifies the zoom ratio at which Page Report Studio pages will be displayed.