Filtering with the filter format

Compared with QBE, the filter provides you with more flexibility with entering your conditions. The expression includes not only the DBField selected, but also formulas and parameters. You can also manually type in strings that are supported by the database.

To filter with the filter format, select Filter from the Query menu. The Search Condition dialog appears. See the dialog.

Specifying expressions:

The expressions are the main section of the filter. To place a criterion, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Add Condition button to add a condition line.
  2. In the field text box, specify the field to be filtered. You can either type in the name of the field manually or click to specify the field in the Expressions dialog.
  3. From the operator drop-down list, select an operator as required.
  4. In the value text box, click to specify the value of how to filter the field in the Expressions dialog or input the value manually.
  5. If you want to add more conditions, click the Add Condition button, define the conditions and then set the relationship between the condition lines as required.
  6. When done, click OK to accept the settings.

See also Dynamically filtering queries for additional information about how parameters can be used to filter queries dynamically.
