Page report

A page report may contain one or more report tabs, and each report tab contain a report body. The Report Inspector enables you to focus on one of the three levels, namely the page report, report tab, and report body. By default, the root node in the Report Inspector represents the current report tab. You can click the Up button on the toolbar to show the page report as the root node (if the current root node represents the report body, you should click that button twice). After showing the page report node in the Report Inspector, you can set its properties:

Property Name Description
Class Type Indicates the class type of the object. This property is read only.
Instance Name Shows the instance name of the object. This property is read only.
Import Parameter Values Specifies the name of a class file from which to import default values for parameters used in the report, for example, TestParamList. Then when viewing the report, the displayed Enter Parameter Values dialog will only list the imported default parameters.

To make the property work, you need specify the Parameter List Auto property to false.

For more information, see Importing parameter values.

Data type: String

Parameter List Auto Specifies whether to get the default values for parameters used in the report from values defined in the catalog.
  • true - Gets parameter default values from values defined in catalog.
  • false - Gets parameter default values from the class file specified by the Import Parameter Values property.

Data type: Boolean

Push Down Group Query Specifies whether to push down group level summary computations in the page report to the DBMS at runtime. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
  • default - The settings of the Push Down Group Query property for the queries on which the data components in the page report are created will be applied for each data component correspondingly.
  • true - JReport will push down the group level summary computations to the DBMS if the DBMS can do the computations, otherwise, JReport will do the computations itself.
  • false - JReport will do the group level summary computations itself.

Data type: Boolean