The properties of a JDBC/HIVE connection are:
Property Name | Description |
Custom Query Optimizer | Specifies the implementation class of the QueryOptimizer interface for optimizing the query SQL statement before being sent to the DB. The value can be "Package_Name.Class_Name". If the class file has no package name, set the value to "Class_Name".
Once Custom Query Optimizer is specified,
Data type: String |
Date Format | Specifies the default Date format corresponding to the database.
Data type: String |
Default | Specifies whether the connection is the default connection in the current data source. By default, the first added connection in a data source is the default connection of the data source. A data source can have zero or one default connection.
Data type: Boolean |
Description | Specifies the description of the JDBC connection.
Data type: String |
Driver | Specifies the class name of the JDBC driver such as oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver. While setting up the JDBC connection with the connection dialog, JReport will use the driver that is specified to connect to the database. If no driver name is filled in, JReport will use the default JDBC driver from the file in <install_root>\bin file. You can add JDBC driver names into the text file, JReport will load the drivers before building a connection. If your JDBC driver name is not correct, or you do not add JDBC driver names, the message "No suitable driver" will appear.
Data type: String |
Explicit Inner Join | Specifies whether to use Explicit Join notation or Implicit Join notation in the Where clause for inner joins. For HIVE connection, it can only be true.
Data type: Boolean |
Included Schemas | Displays the schema names specified for the connection in the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog. The default is blank, which indicates that all schemas in the DBMS can be used in the catalog. This property is read only. To modify it, use the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog. |
Name | Specifies the name of the connection which, by default, is the same as the connection URL, but can also be a user friendly name for the connection.
Data type: String |
Name Pattern | Specifies whether or not catalog or schema is used in data manipulation. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration |
Outer Join Marker | Specifies the behavior of the outer joins in the connection. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration |
Password | Specifies the password for connecting with the database, which is determined by the database DBA.
Data type: String |
Push Down Group Query | Specifies whether to push down group level summary computations in reports to the DBMS at runtime. Choose an option from the drop-down list. For HIVE connection, it can only be true.
Data type: Boolean |
Quote Qualifier | Specifies the characters, then a qualifier name which contains the characters that will not be quoted. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration |
Read Only | Specifies the mode to open the connection to the JDBC data source. The initial setting is default which uses the mode specified by the DBMS Administrator which could be read only or read & write. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration |
Security Check | Specifies whether or not to check the JDBC connection security at runtime.
Data type: Boolean |
SQL Statement Creator | Specifies the parameters to implement the SQLStmtCreator interface (for details about the interface and its usage, refer to Dynamic queries).
Data type: String |
Time Format | Specifies the default Time format corresponding to the database.
Data type: String |
Timestamp Format | Specifies the default Timestamp format corresponding to the database.
Data type: String |
Transaction Mode | Specifies the transaction mode for the connection. Choose an option from the drop-down list.
Data type: Enumeration |
URL | Specifies the JDBC URL which establishes the connection to the database, for example jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL.
Data type: String |
User | Specifies the user name for connecting to the database, which is determined by the database DBA.
Data type: String |
Symbol | Meaning | Presentation |
y | year | Number |
M | month | Number |
d | day in month | Number |
H | hour in day (0~23) | Number |
h | hour in am/pm (1~12) | Number |
m | minute in hour | Number |
s | second in minute | Number |
S | millisecond | Number |
Example (using the US Locale):
"yyyyy.MMMMM.dd hh:mm aaa" ->> 1996.July.10 12:08 PM
Note: The Date and Timestamp format JReport supports follows that of Java. Refer to the Java API Specification java.text package DateFormat interface.
This property is to specify whether to push down group level summary computations in reports to the DBMS at runtime. The group level summary computations can be pushed down to the DBMS when the aggregate function is Count, Sum, Maximum, Minimum, or Square Sum. The aggregate functions Average, PopulationStdDev, PopulationVariance, StdDev and Variance are not pushed down, but instead computed by JReport using the results of the pushed down functions. By pushing down the group level summary computations, the DBMS' computation capability can be made use of, and thus the reports' running efficiency will be improved.
The QueryOptimizer interface is contained in the package toolkit.db.queryoptimization. See JReport Javadoc in <install_root>\help\api
for usage of the interface.
This interface contains only one method:
Optimizer optimizeQuery(QueryInfo queryInfo);
One QueryInfo will be automatically passed into the interface, and one Optimizer object should be returned.
To implement the interface and make it work:
.Note: The List<ColumnInfo> parameter in the implementation class of the QueryOptimizer interface depends on the Prefetch property of the related business view. When Prefetch is true, List<ColumnInfo> will include all columns in the business view, otherwise, it will only include columns used by the related report.