Business view

The properties of a business view are:

Property Name Description
Description Specifies the description of the business view, which will be shown when you hover the mouse pointer over the business view in the Resources panel of Web Report Studio.

Data type: String

Display Name Specifies the display name of the business view.

Data type: String

Prefetch If true, when end user runs a web report or dashboard created on the business view, JReport will fetch all used data from the business view and reuse them afterwards.

If false, JReport will query data on demand. When several business view elements are based on the same columns, they will reuse the columns.

The property works on JReport Server.

When the property is true, the List<ColumnInfo> parameter in the implementation class of the QueryOptimizer interface will include all columns in the business view, otherwise, it will only include columns used by the web report or dashboard.

For business views in MongoDB and HIVE connections, the default value is false; for those in other connections, the default value is true.

Data type: Boolean

Type Indicates the type of the business view. This property is read only.

The following topics show properties of the business view elements: