Data Mapping Editor

With the Data Mapping Editor, you can create data mapping files to map data values of resources in a catalog to a specific language as you like. A data mapping file is a properties file used to store the target language information for resources in a catalog (DBFields, parameters, summaries and formulas). One data mapping file stores one kind of language, and the name of the file is in the format "". The abbreviations of the language and locale are used in the mapping file name. For example, the German mapping file name will be like this: The lower case "de" indicates the language is German, the upper case "DE" indicates the region is Germany. If all German regions can use the same file then the file name can be just For the detailed information about the abbreviation for each language and locale, see Appendix 3: Language and Region name list for National Language Support.

Creating a data mapping file

To create a data mapping file, that is to map the data values of resources in a catalog to a certain language, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Catalog Browser toolbar, click the Data Mapping Editor button to display the Data Mapping Editor. See the editor.
  2. Click the New button and the Create Data Mapping File dialog appears. See the dialog.
  3. In the File Name field, specify the name of the mapping file.
  4. Click the Language drop-down list and select to which language the data values in the catalog will be mapped.
  5. Click OK, and a property file will then be created in the folder where the catalog file is.
  6. In the Data Mapping Editor, click the Import Key button to import the resources with the data value you want to map from the Import Key dialog. See the dialog.
  7. Double-click cells in the Map to Value column to specify the mapping values for the imported resources according to the selected language.
  8. From the Import Key dialog, you can only import values of DBFields in a catalog. If you want to map values of other resources like formulas, summaries and parameters, click to add a mapping line and specify the value in the Current Value column and Map to Value column accordingly.
  9. When done, click OK to accept the changes and close the dialog.

Editing a data mapping file

To edit an existing data mapping file:

  1. In the Data Mapping Editor, click the Load button.
  2. In the Load Data Mapping File dialog, select the data mapping file you want to edit and click Open.
  3. Information that has been saved in the file will then be loaded in the Data Mapping Editor. You can import/add more values to map, or delete some by clicking .
  4. When done, click OK to finish editing.

Applying a data mapping file in a report

To apply the data mapping file in a report, follow the steps below:

  1. Open a report that contains DBFields, formulas, summaries or parameters that have data mapping files.
  2. In the Report Inspector, select the node that represents the object, and then in the Properties panel, set the data mapping file name (without the language and locale part) of the object as the value of the property Data Mapping File. For example, if the data mapping file name is, set the property value as Category.

The data mapping file cannot take effect now because there is no NLS property file for the report. You have to create a corresponding NLS property file for the report using the NLS Editor. For details, see Creating NLS property files.