Data Mapping Editor dialog

This dialog appears when you click the Data Mapping Editor button on the Catalog Browser toolbar. It helps you to edit information of a specific language saved in a data mapping file.

The following are details about options in this dialog. See the dialog.

File Name

Displays the file name of the current data mapping file that will be edited.


Displays the language that is selected for the current data mapping file.


Opens the Create Data Mapping File dialog to generate a new data mapping file to save language information.


Loads an existing data mapping file from a specific directory.

Import Key

Opens the Import Key dialog to add values into this data mapping file from catalog resources. Only the DBFields can be added by this way.

Adds a row to specify a value and its mapped value in another language.

Removes the selected value.

Current Value

Specifies the value that will be mapped according to the language of the data mapping file.

Map to Value

Specifies the value that the current value will be mapped to according to the language of the data mapping file.


Applies the changes and closes the dialog.


Cancels the changes and exits the dialog.


Displays the help document about this feature.

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