Web Service Data Source dialog

This dialog appears when you select Web Service and click OK in the New Data Source dialog, or in the Catalog Browser right-click a data source and select Add Web Service Connection from the shortcut menu or right-click an existing web service connection and select Edit Web Service Connection from the shortcut menu. It helps you to create or edit a web service data source in a JReport catalog. See the dialog.

The following are details about the options of the dialog:

Get WSDL file

Specifies to get a WSDL file to create the web service data source.

Time Zone and Locale

Specifies a default time zone and locale for the web service data source.

Qualified Name Pattern

Specifies whether or not catalog or schema is used in data manipulation.

Time Out

Specifies how long to wait to get the WSDL file.


Specifies whether or not to enable the Pre-join feature when building a query or defining join relationships in business cubes.

Security Configuration

Opens the Security Configuration Setting dialog to configure security for the web service data source.


Shows the additional settings for creating the web service data source.


Creates the web service data source and closes the dialog.


Cancels the creation of the web service data source and exits the dialog.


Displays the help document about this feature.

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