Shape Map Data Binding Wizard

The wizard appears when you click Insert > Bind Data on the menu bar, or click the Bind Data button on the toolbar of the Shape Map Editor window. It helps you to bind a dataset to a shape map and make values displayed on the shape map areas according to your requirements.

The wizard consists of the following screens:


Goes back to the previous screen.


Goes to the next screen.


Finishes data binding and closes this wizard.


Does not retain changes and closes this wizard.


Displays the help document about this feature.

Data screen

Define a dataset for the object

Specifies the dataset that will be bound with the map. See the screen.

Group screen

Specifies the field to group the data. See the screen.


Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field as the group by field.

Removes the selected group by field that is not required.

Group By

Lists the field that is used to group data.


Specifies how groups will be sorted.

Special Function

If the group by field is of Numeric/String/Date/Time type, you can select a special function for the field in the Special Function column to further specify to which level the data will be grouped by.

If Customize is selected, the Customized Function dialog will be displayed, in which you can set the function by your own.

Sort Group By

Specifies how to sort the groups. Activated only when you have clicked Sort Group By from the Sort column to define the sorting manner of groups for the selected group level.

Special Group

Specifies how to group your information. Activated only when you have clicked Special Group from the Sort column to define a special group.

Select N

Opens the Select N dialog to specify the Select N condition.

Group Filter

Opens the Group Filter dialog to specify the group filter condition.

Summary screen

Specifies the fields on which to create aggregate functions. See the screen.


Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field as the summary field.

Removes the selected summary field that is not required.

Moves the specified summary field one step up.

Moves the specified summary field one step down.

Summarized Fields

Lists all the fields that you want to display and to be summarized.

Aggregate Function

Specifies the function to summarize the selected field. For details about each function, see Math functions.

Break Field

Displays a defined field on which the summary will be calculated.

Filter screen

Specifies to filter the data displayed on the map areas. See the screen.

For details about options in the screen, see Edit Filter dialog.

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