Binding data to a shape map

You can make a shape map bound with a dataset, so as to make values displayed on the shape map areas. To achieve it:

  1. In the Shape Map Editor window, click Insert > Bind Data, or the Bind Data button on the toolbar. The Shape Map Data Binding Wizard appears.
  2. In the Data screen of the wizard, define or select the dataset with which the map will be bound.
  3. In the Group screen, add a field as the grouping criteria to group data in the specified dataset. You can add only one group by field (for details, see the same topic Grouping the data on table).
  4. In the Summary screen, add the fields as the sum on fields, and specify the function as required. Data in each group will then be calculated based on the selected fields using the specified function, and the summary results will be displayed accordingly on map areas the names of which match with values of the group by field.
  5. In the Filter screen, define some filter conditions to filter the data displayed on the map areas.

    To define a filter condition, click the Add Condition button to add a condition line, then from the field drop-down list, select the field on which the filter will be based, set the operator with which to compose the filter expression from the operator drop-down list, and in the value combo box, type the value of how to filter the field or click to specify the value in the Values window.

  6. Click Finish button to apply setting and leave the dialog.