MongoDB Connection Wizard

This wizard appears when you select MongoDB and click OK in the New Data Source dialog, or in the Catalog Browser, right-click a data source and select Add MongoDB Connection from the shortcut menu, or right-click an existing MongoDB connection and select Edit MongoDB Connection from the shortcut menu. It helps you to import MongoDB collection schemas and transform them to relational schemas for future use, and consists of the following screens:


Goes back to the previous screen.


Goes to the next screen.


Finishes confirming to transform MongoDB schemas to relational schemas.


Does not retain any changes and closes this wizard.


Displays the help document about this feature.

MongoDB Connection Information screen

Specifies the necessary information to connect to the MongoDB server. See the screen.


Specifies the host used to connect to the MongoDB server.


Specifies the port number used to connect to the MongoDB server.


Specifies the user ID used to connect to the MongoDB server.


Specifies the password of the user used to connect to the MongoDB server.

Connection Options screen

Specifies conditional replica set members and options for the MongoDB connection. See the screen.

Replica Set Members

Lists all the replica set members of the MongoDB connection.

Add Database screen

Adds the databases you can access to the MongoDB connection. This screen will be displayed only when you have no right to access all the databases in the MongoDB data source. See the screen.

Add Database

Lists the databases you can access in the MongoDB data source.

Add Schema screen

Adds the collection schemas that will be transformed to relational schemas. This screen is not available when you edit an existing MongoDB connection. See the screen.


Lists the schemas in the database for you to select.

Added Schema

Lists the schemas that you have added.

Adds the selected schemas.

Removes the selected schemas from the Added Schema box.

Add Table screen

Adds tables that are transformed from the relational schemas to the connection. This screen is not available when you edit an existing MongoDB connection. See the screen.


Lists the tables transformed from the MongoDB schemas.

Added Tables

Lists the tables that you have added from the relational schemas.

Adds the selected tables.

Removes the selected tables from the Added Tables box.

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