Merge dialog

This dialog appears when you click Save in the Save To dialog to save your report in another directory in which a catalog of the same name exists. It helps you to merge the two catalogs. See the dialog.

The following are details about options in the dialog:

Resource to be merged box

Displays all the resources of the report with conflicting resources marked.


Renames the selected conflicting resource and copy it to the target catalog with a new name.


Replaces the resource in the target catalog with the selected conflicting resource from the source catalog.


Leaves the original value in the target catalog.


Displays the Properties Differences dialog to show the property values of the selected conflicting resource in the two catalogs. The different properties are highlighted.

Note: Sometimes, even though some objects are marked in the Merge dialog, in the Properties Differences dialog, you will not find different properties. The reason for this is that some children of the two objects are different.

Target Relation

Shows the name of the resource and its parent node in the target catalog in the Target Relation dialog.


Closes the dialog and merges the two catalogs according to the changes that you have made.


Closes the dialog, leaving any changes unsaved.


Displays the help document.

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