Insert Link dialog for web report/library component

The dialog appears when you select a specified object in the design area in a web report or library component, right-click it and select Link from the shortcut menu, or click the button in the value cell of the Link property in the Report Inspector. It helps you to link the object to a report, a website, an e-mail address or a Blob data type field as required.

Conditional Link

Specifies whether it is a conditional link. If checked, the object can be linked to different targets based on different conditions.

Link Type

Specifies the type of the link target for the object if it is not a conditional link or for the object under the selected condition if it is a conditional link. It can be one of the following:


Displays more link options. Available only for the Report, Master/Detail Report and Content link types.


Accepts the linking result and closes the dialog.


Cancels the linking process and exits the dialog.


Displays the help document about this feature.


It helps you to link the object to a report. See the dialog.


Specifies the target report. Click the Browse button to select the desired report in the Select a Report dialog.


Specifies the window or frame in which to load the linked report. Applied only when the link is triggered Web Report Studio; when triggered in JDashboard, except for Same Frame, all the other targets are treated as New Window.

Filter tab

Specifies the filter conditions based on which the link relationship between the primary report and the linked report is set up.

Parameters tab

This tab is available when the linked report uses parameters. It helps you to assign values to the parameters of the linked report automatically.

Advanced tab

Specifies to pass the values of the filter objects such as filter controls and sliders in the primary report to those in the linked report.

Pass style group information down to linked report

Specifies whether or not to apply the style group of the primary report to the linked report.


It helps you to link the object to a location specified by a URL. See the dialog.


Specifies the URL of the location that the object will be linked to.


Specifies the window or frame in which to load the location specified by the URL. Applied only when the link is triggered in Web Report Studio; when triggered in JDashboard, except for Same Frame, all the other targets are treated as New Window.


It helps you to link the object to an e-mail address. See the dialog.


Specifies the e-mail address that the object will be linked to. Click here for details about how to compose the e-mail address.


It helps you to link the object to a Blob data type field. The Blob data type field will be bound to the object and displayed as a hyperlink. You can download the Blob content by clicking this hyperlink. In JReport, Blob could be image, Binary, Blob, Clob, LongBlob, LongClob, Varbinary, Longvarbinary, and so on. See the dialog.


Specifies the business view which contains the required Blob data type field. Only query based business views from the same data source connection as the current report are listed.

When you set the link type to Content, JReport will check whether there are such kind of business views available. If not, options for this link type will be disabled.

Content Type

Specifies the content type for the Blob type data. You can click the button to bind it with a string type business view element or a record level pass one formula in the selected business view, or with a dynamic formula in the current report.

File Name

Specifies the file name for the linked Blob type data. You can click the button to bind it with a string type business view element or a record level pass one formula in the selected business view.


Specifies the Blob data type field in the selected business view.

Filter tab

Specifies the link conditions between the business view used by the current report and the business view that contains the linked Blob content.

Parameters tab

This tab is available when the business view that contains the linked Blob content uses parameters. It helps you to assign values to the parameters automatically.

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