Geographic Map Wizard for page report

This wizard appears when you right-click a geographic map and then select Geographic Map Wizard from the shortcut menu. It helps you modify a geographic map that has been created.

The wizard consists of the following screens:


Goes back to the previous screen.


Goes to the next screen.


Finishes modifying the geographic map and closes this dialog.


Does not retain changes and closes this dialog.


Displays the help document about this feature.

Data screen

Specifies the dataset for the geographic map. See the screen.

Define a dataset for the object

Specifies the dataset you want to use to edit the geographic map.

Group screen

Specifies the data fields that are used to group the data. See the screen.


Lists all the available data resources.

Adds the selected field as the group by field in the geographic map.

Removes the selected group by field that is not required.

Group By

Lists the fields that are used to group data in the geographic map.


Specifies how groups at the specific group level will be sorted.

Special Function

If the group by field is of Numeric/String/Date/Time type, you can select a special function for the field in the Special Function column to further specify to which level the data will be grouped by.

If Customize is selected, the Customized Function dialog will be displayed, in which you can set the function by your own.

Sort Group By

Specifies how to sort the groups. Activated only when you have clicked Sort Group By from the Sort column to define the sorting manner of groups for the selected group level.

Special Group

Specifies how to group your information. Activated only when you have clicked Special Group from the Sort column to define a special group.

Select N

Opens the Select N dialog to specify the Select N condition.

Group Filter

Opens the Group Filter dialog to specify the group filter condition.

Layout screen

Specifies the layout of geographic map elements. See the screen.

Geographic Data

Specifies the geographical data for the geographic map with an XML file. If the XML file that you specify does not exist it will be created in the <install_root>\gisinfo directory. The geographic data XML file is used to map the geographic latitude and longitude coordinates from Google Maps, OpenStreetMap or OpenCycleMap based on the location information specified for each group in the Marker tab. When the location information key string of a group value matches the "nm" field in the XML file, you will get the related latitude and longitude value for this group value.

You can also import an XML file which contains predefined geographic data including latitude and longitude for the specific "nm" field. By default, the XML file is located in the <install_root>\gisinfo directory, if not, the file will be copied to this directory after it is imported. When you publish the report from Designer you can specify the gisinfo files to publish to the Server from the Geographic Information tab.

If you do not publish the geographical information it will be created automatically when you first run the report.

Map Type

Specifies the type for the geographic map from the drop-down list.

Marker screen

Specifies properties of the markers bound with the group levels. See the screen.

Geographic Map

Lists all group levels defined for the geographic map.

Location Info

Specifies the mapping location of the markers for the selected group level. For each group level that you want to show on the map, specify a DBfield or formula that contains the value matching the "nm" field in the geographic data XML file used by the geographic map. For example you may group by Country and State. For State, you would want to use a formula fStateCountry that concatenates state and country so Google Maps, OpenStreetMap or OpenCycleMap knows which state to use such as "New York, USA" or "California, USA".

Marker Tip

Specifies the tip information for the markers of the selected group level, which will be displayed when you hover the mouse on the markers at runtime.

Default Icon

Specifies to use the default icon for the markers of the selected group level. If you want to customize the icon, uncheck the option.


Specifies the image for the markers of the selected group level. Input the URL for a web image or click Browse button to specify a local image.


Specifies the shadow image for the markers of the selected group level. Input the URL for a web image or click Browse button to specify a local image. Only available for Google Maps types.

Constrain Proportions

Specifies whether to change the width and height for the marker image/shadow at the same time in a certain proportion. If checked, when the width/height is changed, the height/width will also be changed in a certain proportion.

Hide Markers

Specifies whether to show or hide the markers of the selected group level.

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