Format Rectangle Title dialog

The dialog appears:

It helps you to format the rectangle title of the specified group, and consists of the following tabs:


Applies the changes and closes the dialog.


Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.


Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.


Displays the help document about this feature.

General tab

Specifies the height and color properties of the rectangle title. See the tab.


Specifies the height of the title.

Fill Color

Specifies the background color of the title.

To change the color, click the color image button to display the color palette in which you can select a color, or click More Colors to customize the color within a wider range in the Pick a Color dialog. You can also input color string directly in the text box after # in the format #RRGGBB.

Font Color

Specifies the foreground color of the title.

To change the color, click the color image button to display the color palette in which you can select a color, or click More Colors to customize the color within a wider range in the Pick a Color dialog. You can also input color string directly in the text box after # in the format #RRGGBB.

Font tab

Specifies the font properties of the rectangle title. See the tab.


Specifies the font face of the text in the title.

Font Size

Specifies the font size of the text in the title.

Horizontal Alignment

Specifies the horizontal alignment mode of the text in the title.

Vertical Alignment

Specifies the vertical alignment mode of the text in the title.


Specifies whether to make the text bold or not.


Specifies whether the text will be underlined or not.


Specifies whether to make the text italic or not.

Word Wrap

Specifies whether or not to wrap the text to the title width.


Specifies whether or not to attach a strikeout line to the text.

Ignore HTML Tag

If this option is unchecked, JReport will parse HTML tag elements in the field value while the report is to be saved as an HTML file; or the field value will appear in the HTML file the same as that in JReport (HTML tag elements in the field value, if any, will not be parsed).


Specifies whether or not to automatically adjust the width of the title.

Border tab

Specifies the border properties of the rectangle title. See the tab.


Specifies the border color.

To change the color, click the color image button to display the color palette in which you can select a color, or click More Colors to customize the color within a wider range in the Pick a Color dialog. You can also input color string directly in the text box after # in the format #RRGGBB.


Specifies the border width.

Top Line

Specifies the style of the top border line.

Bottom Line

Specifies the style of the bottom border line.

Left Line

Specifies the style of the left border line.

Right Line

Specifies the style of the right border line.


Specifies whether the borders will have a shadow effect or not.

Shadow Color

Specifies the color of the border shadow.

To change the color, click the color image button to display the color palette in which you can select a color, or click More Colors to customize the color within a wider range in the Pick a Color dialog. You can also input color string directly in the text box after # in the format #RRGGBB.

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