Formula Editor window

This window appears when you do either of the following:

It helps you to add formulas, summaries and parameters and then make certain operations on them. See the window.

The following are details about options in this window:

File menu

Edit menu

View menu

Formula menu

Help menu


The following are commands on the toolbar:

Fields panel

Displays a list of those fields that are available for formulas. Those fields contain table columns, formulas, summaries, parameters and special fields. Select one field and double-click it to insert it into the editing panel at the insertion point.

Functions panel

Displays a list of JReport functions and imported user defined formula functions that are available for formulas. When you select one function and double-click it, JReport will insert the selected function into the editing panel at the insertion point completely with its required syntax items (parentheses, commas, and so on). For the usage of these functions, refer to section Built-in functions and User-defined formula functions.

Operators panel

Displays a list of operators that are available for formulas. Select one operator and double-click it to insert the selected operator into the editing panel at the insertion point. For the usage of these operators, refer to section Operators.

Formula text panel

In this panel, you can build and edit your formula. There are several ways to work with formula:

The line numbers of the formula are marked in the left of the panel to help you check it easily.

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