As text

To define the display type of a label as text, follow the steps below:

  1. Right-click the label and select Display Type from the shortcut menu to open the Display Type dialog.
  2. In the Display As box, select Text. See the dialog.
  3. In the Web Options panel, if you want to specify a tooltip for the text, uncheck the Auto option, then in the Tool Tip field, enter the tip you want to show for the text. Then at server runtime or in HTML results, when you hover the mouse over the text, the tooltip will be displayed. If you want to use a formula to control the tip, click and select a formula from the drop-down list. You can also click the <CREATE FORMULA> item in the list to create one as required. If the label is in a crosstab, you can also use a crosstab formula created in the crosstab to control the tooltip, or click <CREATE CROSSTAB FORMULA> to create one.

    When the Auto option is checked, the tooltip cannot be customized. Then at server runtime or in HTML results, when the text cannot be fully displayed, you can hover the mouse over the text to get its full content in the tooltip.

  4. If needed, bind some web actions to the label in the Web Behaviors box (for details, see Applying web actions to a label).
  5. Upon finishing, click the OK button to close the dialog.

Note: If you have specified a tooltip for the text, the tooltip is displayed differently on different browsers: