To format the lines in a line chart, follow the steps below:
In the Fill box, click the color image button and select a color swatch to fill the selected line, and specify the transparency of the color schema (you can also directly type the hexadecimal value of the desired color in the text box). If the color swatches cannot meet your requirement, click More Colors on the color palette to open the Pick a color dialog, with which you can set a full range of color, or click More Fill Effects to specify the fill effect in the Fill Effects dialog. You can also click the Pattern List button to specify the color pattern for each line in the Color List dialog
In the Area box, set the fill and transparency settings of the area that are formed by the chart axes and the selected line. You can also click Area Pattern List to specify the color pattern for each area formed by each line and the chart axes in the Color List dialog.
In the Line box, specify the line style and line thickness of the selected line. You can also click Line Pattern List to set the line pattern for each line in the Line Pattern List dialog.
Click the color image button and select a color swatch to fill the selected line. You can also click the Color List button to specify the color pattern for each line in the Color List dialog.
If you select Use Single Color as the fill type, in the Shape box, set Show Node to true, then specify the style, transparency, width, height and color of the nodes in the selected line, and specify whether or not to display the line nodes in the highest and lowest points with other colors and whether to show the highlight point in a distinguishing color when you hover the mouse over a node in the line. In the Border box, set the border properties of the nodes on the selected line, including border color, transparency, line style and thickness. If you set the node style to plus, multiplication, star1 or star2, the Line box is available instead of the Border box, in which you can specify the line style and thickness for the nodes with selected styles. You can also click the Node Pattern List button to specify the node pattern for each line in the Node Pattern List dialog.
If you select Use Single Color with Condition as the fill type, specify the conditions and the node pattern bound with each condition respectively. For details, refer to Adding conditional color fill to a chart.
To add a web behavior line, click , and if a web behavior is not required, click
to remove it.
Click or
to adjust the order of the behaviors. Then, when an event that has been bound with more than one action happens, the upper action will be triggered first.
The web actions you can bind to the lines include Filter, Sort, Parameter, Property and SendMessage. For details about these web actions, refer to Applying web actions to a label.
See also the Format Line dialog for page report, web report, or library component for detailed explanation about options in the dialog.