Interface ImportParamValues

public interface ImportParamValues

This interface provides a callback method for you. If you make a class that implements this interface and defines the class name in the report, before inputing parameters at the engine, the class that you defined in the report is first constructed, then the method in this interface is called with parameters' names. The prompt values that returned by the callback method are put in the list of each parameter prompt value list.

Method Summary
 java.util.Hashtable promptValues(java.lang.String[] paramsName)
          A callback method.

Method Detail


java.util.Hashtable promptValues(java.lang.String[] paramsName)
A callback method. You should implement it in your class.

paramsName - A String array that contains the parameters' names.
Hashtable. The keys are the parameters' names that are used in the report; the values are Vector objects that contain the parameter values. The elements' type of the values of the Vector is String.