Interface JRGroupListener

public interface JRGroupListener

The interface for objects needs a group of records when paging process. For example, a crosstab placed in group header needs the records of current group for calculating its aggregation functions.

Method Summary
 void fetchNewRecord(Record record)
          When binding UDO Display Value with a field or a group,
user needs to do some preparations after fetching every piece of record.
The method will be called when fetching each new record.
 void finishFetchRecords()
          When binding UDO Display Value with a field or a group,
user needs to do some preparations after fetching the last record.
The method will be called after you fetched the last record.
 void prepareFetchRecords()
          When binding UDO Display Value with a field or a group,
user needs to do some preparations before fetching the first record.
The method will be called before fetching the first record.
 void setTemplate(JRObjectTemplate rptobj)
          Sets the UDO's template.

Method Detail


void setTemplate(JRObjectTemplate rptobj)
Sets the UDO's template.

rptobj - The template of the UDO.
See Also:


void prepareFetchRecords()
When binding UDO Display Value with a field or a group,
user needs to do some preparations before fetching the first record.
The method will be called before fetching the first record.


void finishFetchRecords()
When binding UDO Display Value with a field or a group,
user needs to do some preparations after fetching the last record.
The method will be called after you fetched the last record.


void fetchNewRecord(Record record)
When binding UDO Display Value with a field or a group,
user needs to do some preparations after fetching every piece of record.
The method will be called when fetching each new record.

record - jet.connect.Record Current record.
See Also: