Interface UserAuthenticator

public interface UserAuthenticator

Customized Authentication

JReport Enterprise Server provides the ability to use customized user authentication scheme. A customized user authentication scheme must implement the interface jet.server.UserAuthenticator, and import the customized class file by modifying the following JReport Enterprise Server's properties file:

When using customized user authentication scheme, user should:
1. Write a class which implements the interface jet.server.UserAuthenticator.
2. Put the class into CLASSPATH which used by launching JReport Enterprise Server
3. Edit file <SERVER PATH>/bin/, let name UserAuthenticator point to the customized class
4. Restart JReport Enterprise Server and the customized user authentication is working.

Field Summary
static int ACCESS
static int MANAGE
Method Summary
 java.lang.String changePassword(java.lang.String realmName, java.lang.String implUserName, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String oldPwd, java.lang.String newPwd)
          Changes user password.
 java.lang.String changePasswordEx(java.lang.String realmName, java.lang.String implUserName, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String oldPwd, java.lang.String newPwd)
          Changes user password.
 boolean getAuditState(java.lang.String realmName, java.lang.String userName, int type, boolean success)
          Gets the audit state setting.
 UserMailList getMailList()
          Gets the user mail list.
 java.lang.String getPassword(java.lang.String realmName, java.lang.String userName)
          Gets the user password
 java.util.Enumeration getRealmNames()
          Gets the realm list.
 java.util.Enumeration getUserNames(java.lang.String realmName)
          Gets the user names in the realm.
 boolean isPermissionOk(java.lang.String realmName, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String uri, int versionNumber, java.lang.String cmd)
          Checks if the user has the permission to do the action on a specific version of resource
 boolean isPermissionOk(java.lang.String realmName, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String cmd)
          Checks if the user has the permission to do the action
 boolean isValidAdminUser(java.lang.String realmName, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
          Checks if the user can access the administration tools.
 boolean isValidUser(java.lang.String realmName, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
          Checks if the user is a valid one.

Field Detail


static final int ACCESS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int MANAGE
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


java.lang.String changePassword(java.lang.String realmName,
                                java.lang.String implUserName,
                                java.lang.String userName,
                                java.lang.String oldPwd,
                                java.lang.String newPwd)
Changes user password.

realmName - the realm name
implUserName - the user name who invoked the action
userName - the user name whose password needs to be changed
oldPwd - the old password
newPwd - the new password
error message if failed, or null if successful.


java.lang.String changePasswordEx(java.lang.String realmName,
                                  java.lang.String implUserName,
                                  java.lang.String userName,
                                  java.lang.String oldPwd,
                                  java.lang.String newPwd)
                                  throws InvalidPasswordException
Changes user password.

realmName - the realm name
implUserName - the user name who invoked the action
userName - the user name whose password needs to be changed
oldPwd - the old password
newPwd - the new password
error message if failed, or null if successful.
InvalidPasswordException - if password not match advanced password rule


boolean isPermissionOk(java.lang.String realmName,
                       java.lang.String userName,
                       java.lang.String uri,
                       java.lang.String cmd)
Checks if the user has the permission to do the action

realmName - the realm name
userName - the user name
uri - the request URI the uri equals a special string APIConst.PRIVILEGE_URI which means this method is used to check privileges. For example, if this method is used to check privileges, it will be invoked as: isPermissionOk(realmName, userName, APIConst.PRIVILEGE_URI, cmd);
cmd - the action needed to be invoked. see brsow2cmd.htm for detailed information
true if the user has the permission


boolean isPermissionOk(java.lang.String realmName,
                       java.lang.String userName,
                       java.lang.String uri,
                       int versionNumber,
                       java.lang.String cmd)
Checks if the user has the permission to do the action on a specific version of resource

realmName - the realm name
userName - the user name
uri - the request URI
versionNumber - version number of the resource specified by URI
cmd - the action needed to be invoked. see brsow2cmd.htm for detailed information
true if the user has the permission


boolean isValidUser(java.lang.String realmName,
                    java.lang.String userName,
                    java.lang.String password)
Checks if the user is a valid one. A valid user must exist and provide valid password.

realmName - the realm name
userName - the user name
password - the user password
true if the user exists and the password is true


boolean isValidAdminUser(java.lang.String realmName,
                         java.lang.String userName,
                         java.lang.String password)
Checks if the user can access the administration tools.

realmName - the realm name
userName - the user name
password - the user password
true if the user can access the administration tools.


java.lang.String getPassword(java.lang.String realmName,
                             java.lang.String userName)
Gets the user password

realmName - the realm name
userName - the user name
the user password, null if any error occurs.


java.util.Enumeration getRealmNames()
Gets the realm list. Almost everything, including user, group, resource and schedule, is defined within a realm. Users are different if they have same names but in different realms. We must use user name and realm name together to define a user.

the realm names. Each element is a String.


java.util.Enumeration getUserNames(java.lang.String realmName)
Gets the user names in the realm.

realmName - the realm name
the user names in the realm. Each element is a String.


boolean getAuditState(java.lang.String realmName,
                      java.lang.String userName,
                      int type,
                      boolean success)
Gets the audit state setting. The audit setting differs with users. If one user's audit setting is false, the user's action will not be logged. Actions have different type. Now we define two types: ACCESS and MANAGE. ACCESS denotes action accessing to the resource and MANAGE denotes action managing the server. We can also select whether to log if the action succeeded or failed

realmName - the realm name
userName - the user name
type - the target type, which must be one of the constants defined above
success - denotes whether audit succeeded or failed
the audit state


UserMailList getMailList()
Gets the user mail list. Users can customize user mail list scheme by implementing the interface jet.server.api.UserMailList.

the user mail list interface
See Also: