Package jet.bean

Interface Summary

Class Summary
ExcelParameter The ExcelParameter class is used for exporting to Excel.
ExportInfo The ExportInfo class is used for exporting.
HtmlParameter The HtmlParameter class is used for exporting to HTML.
JRCatalog This catalog bean provides methods to manipulate and access the catalog object.
JRCoverInfo This class is used to create a fax cover letter
JREngine The JREngine is a bean of JReport Engine.
Report Engine Bean provides a programming API for the report running and exporting process.
JRFaxServerInfo This class is used to create the information needed to send a report by fax
JRResultViewer for viewing the rst file and some exporting to file functions
JRSetResultViewer The JRSetResultViewer class function is used for viewing and exporting the reportset rst file information.
MailInformation A MailInformation object contains the complete information for a mail.
PDFParameter The PDFParameter class is used for exporting to PDF.
PSParameter The PSParameter class is used for exporting to Postscript.
ReportInfo This class specifies the information of a report.
RtfParameter The RtfParameter class is used for exporting to RTF.
TextParameter The TextParameter class is used for exporting to Text.
XmlParameter The XmlParameter class is used for exporting to XML.

Exception Summary
JRCatalogException This exception is used when an error occurs in the catalog bean.