Scheduling reports via URL

A schedule contains two kinds of properties. The first is about time information and the second is about task information (for detailed information about each property, see Appendix 8: Properties for scheduling reports via URL).

When reports are scheduled via URL in a web browser, the method jrs.submit_schedule is called. The following is a description of this method.

URL examples

The following are some specific examples on how to schedule a report via URL. The report CustomerAnalysis.cls that uses the catalog / is used in these examples.

Publishing to the versioning system immediately

To publish the report to the versioning system immediately, the URL used for this task could be as follows:

If you want to publish the report to other formats, you can refer to the examples above, but you will need to modify the parameter jrs.to_version_pdf=true to suit the particular format that the report will be published to. For example, if you want to publish the report to Excel, you will need to change the parameter to jrs.to_version_excel=true.

Publishing to the versioning system periodically

To publish the report to the versioning system periodically, the URL used for this task could be as follows:


Publishing to the versioning system at a specific time

To publish the report to the versioning system at 12:00:00 CST, December 1, 2008, the URL used for this task could be as follows:


Publishing to the versioning system immediately and notifying others of success or failure

To publish the report to the versioning system immediately, and notify the user support1, support2, and support3 of success or failure, the URL used for this task could be as follows:


Publishing to the file system immediately

To publish the report to the file system immediately, the URL used for this task could be as follows:

Note: If you want to publish a report to a disk path, for example, jrs.rst_dir=C:\, you can do the same as the example described above. If you want to publish a report to a resource tree, for example, jrs.rst_dir=%2f, you can omit this parameter &jrs.to_disk_pdf_path_type=1 in the above example and replace jrs.pdf_dir=C:\ with jrs.rst_dir=%2f. Here /(%2f) is the resource path.

Publishing to e-mail immediately

To publish the report to e-mail immediately, the URL used for this task could be as follows:


Publishing to printer immediately

To publish the report to a printer immediately, the URL used for this task could be as follows:


Publishing to fax immediately

To publish the report to a fax immediately, the URL used for this task could be as follows:


Publishing to FTP immediately

To publish the report to an FTP site immediately, the URL used for this task could be as follows:
