JReport requires that the user be authenticated before running a report. If the user has not previously been authenticated a popup dialog requires you to give your user name and password before you can deal with the resources on the server. Under this circumstance, if you want to avoid the login dialog in the web browser, use either of the following two parameters:
Description: Loads the JRServlet and avoids the login dialog in web browsers.
Format of the value of the HTTP query field: Base64-encoded (userID:password).
Example: If the user ID and password are both set as admin, then the value of the HTTP query field is Base64-encoded("admin:admin")="YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=", and the URL will be as follows:
For the Base64 encoding method, refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64.
Description: Loads the JRServlet and avoids the login dialog in web browsers.
Format of the value of the HTTP query field: jrs.auth_uid=USER_ID, jrs.auth_pwd=PASSWORD.
Example: If the user ID and password are both set as admin, the URL will be as follows:
Note: The JRServlet does not check security when an HTTP request has no jrs.cmd
in the HTTP query in the root path of the JRServlet, and also does not accept the jrs.auth_uid and jrs.auth_pwd for the request http://localhost:8888/jrserver?jrs.auth_uid=admin&jrs.auth_pwd=admin.