Single Sign On

JReport Server's web pages are built to work with an existing web application. In particular, it is possible to set up the web server so that a user of the website can login to an existing web application and have that login grant them access to JReport web pages. This is called the Single Sign On feature.

This is done by developers implementing the class defined by the JReport Server Java interface HttpExternalAuthorized and telling JReport Server to use that implementation.

The implementation can be aware of the application's technique for managing login state in the servlet session. This code can tell JReport Server which user is logged in. The implementation can redirect the user to the application's login workflow if the request is not from a logged in user.

This system gives the user one spot in the application to login. A successful login there will allow the user to run JReport Server web pages without doing another login dialog.

JReport Server is told to use the local implementation of ExternalAuthorized in two ways.

There are examples of implementations of the ExternalAuthorized Java interface in the sample source files that come with JReport Server. Look in the folder <install_root>\help\samples\APISecurity\SingleSignOn. Read the comments in the source code for more information about Single Sign On and how the Java interface is used.

In that same SingleSignOn folder are several JSP pages that can be placed into the public_html\jinfonet folder and run as web applications to exercise and demonstrate how Single Sign On works. The file customIndex.jsp is the entry point page. It has comments inside it on how to run the demonstration.
