Using LDAP server security information by importing

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a lightweight client-server protocol for accessing directory services. With LDAP support, JReport Server enables you to import users/groups from directory servers.

To import LDAP security server information, on the JReport Administration page, click Configuration > LDAP > Import. In the Import tab, you can use LDAP users and groups in JReport Server by importing them. In addition, in order to have the most current security information, you can synchronize the security information from your local server with that of the LDAP server. To do this, on the JReport Administration page, click Configuration > LDAP > Synchronize, where you can predefine a role map for the imported LDAP users.

However, if you have checked Enable Auto-Import of Users from LDAP Server, users will automatically be imported into JReport Server when they log in for the first time. The Enable LDAP Support and Enable Auto-Import of Users from LDAP Server options in the Configuration > LDAP > Server tab work together. The former determines whether an imported LDAP user can be used in JReport Server, and the latter determines whether LDAP users can be imported automatically, as shown in the following table:

=Checked; =Unchecked

Enable LDAP Support Enable Auto-Import of Users from LDAP Server Can be used
Local User YES
Imported LDAP User YES
None-Imported LDAP User YES