Storage of versions on disk

A working directory <reporthome>\history has been defined for use by the system database. Rather than store all the actual resources in the DBMS, the DBMS stores only pointers to the actual files. JReport Server uses this folder to store all of the parameter information and version files. By default, JReport Server creates 100 folders in its history folder (<reporthome>\history), and each of these folders can contain a further 3000 subfolders. These subfolders however cannot hold any further subfolders.

First, JReport Server puts the history information, such as archive versions and parameter files in folder 1. When the amount of subfolders in folder 1 reaches the maximum subfolder amount, it starts to put files in folder 2. When folder 2 is filled up, folder 3 will be used, then folder 4, folder 5, and so on, until all 100 folders have been filled up.

When all the 100 folders have been filled up with subfolders, JReport Server will then create another 100 folders, named 101 to 200, and will continue to store the history information in these folders, starting from folder 101. When the second 100 folders are full, another 100 folders will be created, and so on.

Changing the storage folder

JReport Server provides a file for you to configure the server. If you want to specify a folder other than <reporthome>\history to store the version files, you can set the folder for the resource.share.hist.dir property in this file.

The following describes the process of changing the storage folder:

  1. After installing and starting JReport Server, the file is generated in the <install_root>\bin folder. You can then set the folder that your server data is to be stored in, in the resource.share.hist.dir property as resource.share.hist.dir=D:\ServerData.
  2. Delete the properties, profiling and history sub folders from the <install_root> folder.
  3. Restart JReport Server. The demo resources in the <reporthome>\jreports directory will now be stored in the specified ServerData folder.
  4. After the above procedures have been performed, all parameter information and version files created will be stored in the specified ServerData folder.