Accessing the task information tables

JReport Server collects task information and manages it in a set of tables.

To access a specific table, on the JReport Console page, click My Tasks on the system toolbar, then click the corresponding tab. The following shows the columns that are displayed in each table in detail.


Scheduled table

The Scheduled table consists of the following columns:

Column Description
Schedule Name The name of the schedule task.
Task ID The internal ID for this task, which is a unique time stamp.
Report The report path, name and its status.
Report Tabs The names of the report tabs in the report that are included in this task.
Next Run Time The next scheduled time for when this task is to be performed.
Last Run Time The last scheduled time this task was performed.
Task Type The type of task, such as Versioning System, File System, E-mail, or Printer.
Is Enabled Shows whether this task is enabled. Can be Enabled or Disabled.
Is Successful Shows whether or not the last running of this task was successfully performed. The value true means that the last running was performed successfully and false means the task failed. If the column is empty, the task has not been run before.
Catalog The catalog path and name that the report belongs to.
Launch Type The way in which this task is executed, such as Repeatedly or One Time.
Requester The user who submitted this task.

Running table

The Running table consists of the following columns:

Column Description
Schedule Name The name of the scheduled task.
Task ID The internal ID for this task (a unique time stamp).
Report The report path and name.
Report Tabs The names of the report tabs in the report that are included in this task.
Start Time The time when this task was started.
Task Type The type of the task, such as Versioning System, File System, E-mail, or Printer.
Catalog The catalog path and name that the report belongs to.
Launch Type The way in which this task is executed, such as Repeatedly, One Time, or Instant.
Requester The user who submitted this task.
Parameter File The parameter file name. You can click the underlined file name to view the parameter values.
Parameters The list of parameter values according to the size specified.

To specify the size, click Preferences on the task bar, then in the Preferences dialog, set a value for the Parameter Display Size option as required.

Engine Status The current status of the JReport engine, such as record fetching, grouping, memory paging, and engine initializing.

Completed table

The Completed table consists of the following columns:

Column Description
Schedule Name The name of the scheduled task.
Task ID The internal ID for this task (a unique time stamp).
Is Successful Shows whether this task was successfully performed. The value true means that the task was performed successfully and false that the task failed.
Report The report path and name.
Report Tabs The names of the report tabs in the report that are included in this task.
Completed Time The time when this task was completed.
Task Type The type of task, such as Versioning System, File System, E-mail, or Printer.
Catalog The catalog path and name that the report belongs to.
Launch Type The way in which this task is executed, such as Repeatedly, One Time, or Instant.
Requester The user who submitted this task.
Parameter File The parameter file name. You can click the underlined file name to view the parameter values.
Parameters The list of parameter values according to the size specified.

To specify the size, click Preferences on the task bar, then in the Preferences dialog, set a value for the Parameter Display Size option as required.

Engine Status The status of JReport Engine when the task was completed, such as record fetching, grouping, memory paging, and engine initializing. When a task fails to perform, here you can see the status of the engine at the time of the error.
Error Message The error message for when the task failed to complete the task.
Result Files The report result file names and links to the report result files.

Background Tasks table

The Background Tasks table consists of the following columns:

Column Description
Report Tabs The names of the report tabs in the report that are included in this task.
Result The result in the format in which the report ran.
Report The path and name of the report that the report tabs belong to.
Start Time The time when this task was started.
Finish Time The time when this task was completed.
Status The status of the task.
Catalog The path and name of the catalog that the report belongs to.
Elapse Time The time elapsed since the start of this task.
Catalog Version Number The version number of the catalog that the report belongs to.
Report Version Number The version number of the report.
Parameters The parameters of the report.
Cancelled Shows whether the task is cancelled or not.