Managing realms

To manage realms, you must be a member of the administrator role in order to access the JReport Administration page. Then, on the JReport Administration page, click Security on the system toolbar and select Realm from the drop-down menu to go to the Realm panel, where you can manage the realms as required. See the panel.

The following topics detail how to manage a realm:

Creating a new realm

  1. Click the Create a New Realm link.
  2. In the New Realm dialog, type a name for the realm, and select an authentication mode as the scheme.

    Basic Authentication uses the base64 encryption method as defined by RFC 1945. Digest Authentication uses the MD5 encryption method as defined by RFC 2069. Basic Authentication is lower security but is usually what is used on intranets. Digest Authentication provides much higher security and is usually used with SSL in a highly secure environment.

  3. When done, click OK, and the realm will then be added to the realm list table.

When a new realm is created, it is assigned with built-in users, groups, and the default resource tree. Remember to activate the correct realm before allowing clients to visit.

Activating a realm

The realm must be activated before its content, such as resources, users, groups, and roles, and it can then be accessed by the client users. There can be only one active realm at any time.

To activate a realm:

  1. On the JReport Administration page, click Configuration on the system toolbar, and then click Service from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the realm you want to activate from the Active Realm drop-down list.
  3. Click Save to apply the settings.
  4. Restart JReport Server so that the changes can take effect.

Managing the users, groups and roles in an inactive realm

Users, groups and roles are only available when the realm they belong to is active. However, users, groups and roles in an inactive realm can still be managed by users in the administrator role.

To manage users, groups and roles in an inactive realm:

  1. Click the Select link in the Control column of the realm list table to select the realm you want to manage.

    All realms in JReport Server are listed in the realm list table. The State column shows the status of the realms. An active realm is marked as Active Realm. A selected realm is marked as Selected Realm. If the realm is both active and selected, it is marked as Active Realm.

  2. Click Security and then User, Group or Role to manage the selected realm.

Information about users, groups and roles in the selected realm is listed in the User, Group, and Role panels.

Deleting a realm

If you find a realm is no longer required, you can delete it by clicking the corresponding Delete link in the Control column of the realm list table.