Viewing and managing the cube tasks

You can view information of the tasks scheduled for creating in-memory cubes and manage the tasks in the following tabs.

Schedule tab

All scheduled cube tasks are listed in the Schedule tab (to access the tab, click Cube on the system toolbar and then go to the Schedule tab), which consists of the following columns:

Column Description
Name The name of the cube task.
Catalog The catalog that the cube belongs to.
Data Source The data source that the cube belongs to.
Status The task status:
  • Pending
    The cube has no data and is waiting to run based on scheduled policy. The cube is not ready for use.
  • Building
    It is the first time creating the cube and filling data to the cube. The cube is not ready for use.
  • Updating
    It is updating cube data based on the scheduled policy. The cube is not ready for use.
  • Completed
    Cube data is available. The task will not be updated any more according to the scheduled policy.
  • Disabled
    The cube is not allowed to generate or update following the scheduled policy. The cube data cannot be used or released.
Create Time The time when the scheduled task was created.
Next Run Time The next time when the scheduled task will generate or update the cube.
Last Run Time The last time when the scheduled task generated or updated the cube.
Times Run The number of times the scheduled task has generated or updated the cube.

If the number is bigger than 0, click it and you will be able to view the details of each running of the cube, including all updating events since the cube was generated. The detail table contains the following columns:

Column Description
Activity Shows the type of the event.
  • Build
    Indicates that the cube was created.
  • Update
    Indicates that the cube was updated.
Start Time Shows the time when the event started.
End Time Shows the time when the event ended.
Status Shows whether the event is successful.
  • Successful
    Indicates that the event is successful.
  • Failed
    Indicates that the event failed.

You can edit any of the cube tasks in the Schedule tab in the following ways:

Active tab

All the cube tasks that have generated in-memory cubes which have data and are ready for use are listed in the Active tab (to access the tab, click Cube on the system toolbar and then go to the Active tab), which consists of the following columns:

Column Description
Name The name of the cube task.
Catalog The catalog that the cube belongs to.
Data Source The data source that the cube belongs to.
Updated Time The last time when the cube was updated.
Allocated The maximum memory allowed for the cube.
Actual The memory size currently used by the cube.
Located At Shows the location of the cube:
  • On Disk
    Indicates that the cube is swapped to the disk.
  • In Memory
    Indicates that the cube is in the memory.
Parameter Displays a parameter icon. By clicking the icon a dialog will appear to show all the parameters used in the cube.
Usage The number of reports and library components that have accessed the cube. If the number is bigger than 0, click it and you will get a detail table showing the information of all the web reports and library components that used data from the cube.

The detail table contains the following columns:

Column Description
Name The name of the web report or the library component that used the cube.
Type Indicates whether it is a web report or a library component.
Dashboard The name of the dashboard that is using the library component. For library components only.
User The user who ran the web report or the library component.
Description The description about the web report or the library component.

In the Active tab, you can also edit the tasks in the same way as you do in the Schedule tab.

Log tab

All the events happened on all the cube tasks are recorded in the Log tab (to access the tab, click Cube on the system toolbar and then go to the Log tab), which consists of the following columns. The number of the records allowed in the tab is controlled by the property "server.cube_log.max_count". The default number is 3000.

Column Description
Name The name of the cube task.
Catalog The catalog that the cube belongs to.
Data Source The data source that the cube belongs to.
Activities The type of the event:
  • Create
    The cube was created.
  • Edit
    The cube was edited.
  • Initiate
    The cube data was initiated and made usable.
  • Update
    The cube data was updated.
  • Disable
    The cube was disabled.
  • Enable
    The cube was enabled.
  • Delete
    The cube was deleted.
Start Time The time when the event started.
End Time The time when the event ended.
Status The event status:
  • Successful
    The event was successful.
  • Failed
    The event failed.
Message Messages for failed events.

You can delete any of the log records from the tab if you want. To do this, select a record row and then click Edit > Delete on the task bar, or the Delete button on the floating toolbar, or right-click on the record row and select Delete on the shortcut menu.

Tip: Some columns are not shown by default in the three tabs. To have them displayed, focus on the required tab, click Preferences on the toolbar, check the corresponding items in the Preferences dialog, and then click OK to apply the settings.