Release Notes for Enhancements and Fixes

This document describes the feature enhancements, resolved issues and any known issues for JReport in this release.

Resolved issues

Case #
65399 Tomcat 7.0 and later now run page reports on a remote JReport Server without errors.
65419 JReport Server running on CentOS 5 no longer fails to respond with a "Too many open files" exception.
65658 Support listing all usable business view elements in the Field drop-down list of the web report filter dialog.
65659 Queries that have hundreds of columns from tables related by complex joins can now be previewed normally in the Query Editor window.
65725 The labels or fields are now displayed normally when the paper width is set smaller than the tabular width in a web table report.
65780 The labels in the tabular cells are now displayed normally after user merges two tabular cells in a page report table header on JReport Designer.
65864 Resolved the IOException error when creating a cube using a business view which contains data type fields such as Blob and Clob for visual analysis.
65881 Corrected the typo error in the pop-up message when removing a field which is being used in a report filter via the web report wizard.
65881 The New Page Report dialog no longer disappears on a pop-up blocker message.
65881 Allow users to show/hide resource nodes on the resource tree and customize the display of resources when opening or saving reports, library components, dashboards or visual analysis templates.
65881 Resolved the NullPointerException error when clicking OK button to finish a filter setup with an incomplete statement in web report filter dialog.
65881 Support inserting summaries into the Summary tab of the web report wizard after back and forth adding and removing groups.
65881 JReport Server no longer prompts errors when going to detail from a web report chart for the second time.
65881 Resolved NullPointerException error when using the web report wizard to create a heat map chart that includes two groups.
65881 Resolved the NotSerializableException error when inserting an image into a page report running on JReport Server with RMI integration.
65881 Resolved web report Save As dialog confirmation message when closing the web browser.
65881 Removed the display of detail fields in the Chart Wizard when inserting a chart into a page report.
65907 Support the Repeat property for group name in web table reports.
65918 Calling the method setParamValues(Properties arg0) in JReport Server can now successfully pass parameters to user defined data sources.
65924 Now the authentication parameters in the URL to access web report wizard can be parsed normally after JReport Server is upgraded to V13 Update 1.
65936 Support the Position property for labels in web report tabular cell on JReport Designer UI with its default value Absolute. Previously the default value was Static.
65938 The dashboard side bar now is displayed normally when loading a saved dashboard in Google Chrome 36 and later.
65951 A formula used to calculate the height of the report's DBField can now work properly in the exported PDF result file.
66000 On JReport Designer, the report formula setting on the section panel of a banded object can work correctly even when there is no DBField in the report.
66011 Moved the hard coded messages in JReport Server to the NLS resource properties file so administrator can successfully customize the corresponding messages.
66019 JReport Designer now supports adding parameters directly to table header cells of web reports.
66019 Users can now successfully remove a detail field and then add another field via web report table wizard when the table header contains parameters.
66049 Resolved the catalog size explosion issue caused by repeated security entries being added into the catalog whenever the user saves the catalog.
66076 Support EnterpriseDB stored procedure UDS in JReport Designer.
66088 Resolved the FileNotFoundException error when accessing Page Report Studio with no security check.
66093 Resolved the jet.JSException error when synchronizing security information from JReport Server with that of the LDAP server.
66120 The count value 0 now can be displayed as the grand total in web reports.
66123 A line in the page report header no longer displays on every page of a crosstab report when the report contains more than one page.
66135 The table type in the Catalog Browser no longer changes from Alias Table to Table after upgrading JReport Designer from V8.2 version to V12 Update 2.1 or later version.
66140 The formulas used in the report are now displayed correctly in the reference table of the corresponding catalog.
66151 Reports running in an integrated JReport Server are now displayed correctly in Outlook 2007 and later after being published to E-mail with 'E-mail Result in HTML E-mail Format'.
66162 Users are now able to create the same web table (group left) reports on JReport Designer as those created by using Web Report Studio. Also, downloaded web reports created on JReport Server to JReport Designer to allow inserting labels and parameters as well as merging table cells in the table header.
66172 Solved the security problem caused by duplicated users in the security cache.
66181 JReport Server now authenticates to LDAP server only once when user logs into an LDAP user account.
66185 The constant level UDF (User Defined Formula) now gets executed only once in user's report.
66216 The values in the web report filter box no longer get overlapped when there are many of them.
66268 The time on JReport Server UI can now be updated accordingly after user modifies the default time zone and then logs in again.
66273 The display value of binding-column parameters now can be displayed correctly in the parameter's drop-down list when the parameter's bind column is different from its display column.
66274 Resolved the FileNotFoundException error when accessing reports just after JReport Server has been upgraded from V12 Update 2.1 to 13 version.
66286 The lines which are used to separate columns in user's page report table component are now displayed normally in JReport Server 13.1 version.
66360 Support HTML tags such as BIG, BLOCKQUOTE, CITE, EM, VAR, CODE, TT, KBD, SAMP etc on report labels and DBFields when their property Ignore HTML Tag is set to false and Position being set to Absolute in order to refine the report display and pagination.
66360 Resolved the report text cut off issue caused by HTML entity names not being displayed correctly in web browser.
66372 Changing only text in a dynamic formula can be saved successfully now.
66405 Improved JReport Server performance by reducing the trigger times of binding-column parameters to only once when loading data.
66445 Support the web action user_reset not only on tables and banded objects, but also on crosstabs, charts, and geographic maps.
66466 Corrected the data type for the return value of the formula's built-in function MRound().
66498 Resolved the NumberFormatException error when no data is returned to the map library component or all relevant data is filtered out.
66511 Reports can be running successfully in HTML format after restarting JReport Server with RMI integration.  
66522 The column width of the report's exported Excel result file is correct after user's JReport Designer is upgraded from V8.2 to V12.
66522 The report data no longer is missing after user upgrades JReport Designer from V8.2 to V12 and later and then exports the report to Excel file with column format.
66581 Advanced running a page report in Applet format on JReport Server V7 now works normally after the Java JDK is upgraded to 1.7.0_25 version.
66602 Changed the default scale value for number type data to be 2 when importing or updating resources in a catalog and the scale value from ResultSet metadata is smaller than 0.
66613 Now users can successfully add a filter on a column after a message has been received on a Google Map, a library component or a web report.
66636 Resolved the problem that the in-memory cube cache was not used and JReport Server still went to the SQL Server DB to run the SQL when user runs a web report.
66639 Reports are now displayed correctly after being exported to xlsx Excel format.
66651 Inserting a dimension that is not used in the report to the filter panel of a web crosstab report no longer results in a NullPointerException error.
66687 Now the scheduled tasks can be modified successfully after JReport Server is upgraded from V12 version.
66688 Page reports and their catalog can now be opened without SQL errors in JReport Designer.
66728 Support property "Suppress When No Records" on web reports.
66738 Editing an existing role map of LDAP no longer gets a java.lang.NullPointerException error.
66742 Users are now able to use Advanced Run on a report that uses bind with single column parameters from user defined data sources.
66811 Closing the Page Report Studio window no longer results in a large DHTML.log file containing exceptions.
66833 Opening a large report in Page Report Studio no longer gets a session timeout error.
66835 Report texts in the font face of Courier New can now be displayed properly in the exported PDF result.
66845 Now when exporting Vidyo Router Utilization resources on Vidyo Dashboard, the values selected by the scroll bar are displayed instead of the default values in the Design tab of the Export dialog.
66885 Sorts can now work properly for library components running on JDashboard when setting engine.single_thread to false in
66913 Parameters now work correctly when scheduling for bursting reports.
66924 Now user's web report in which a formula is referenced by a summary field can be run successfully without any syntax error from the formula.
66999 Support changing the property Invisible using a formula to control table rows in web reports.
67021 Resolved the java.lang.NullPointerException error connecting to LDAP Windows Server 2003 when saving LDAP configurations with filtered users.
67027 The option Save as Default in the Enter Parameter Values dialog works normally now in Web Report Studio.
67113 JReport Server prevents users from exceeding 256 characters for a description on a resource folder or on any resource such as page/web report, dashboard, library component, or visual analysis.
67120 Resolved the server frozen issue caused by the infinite loop when a page report encounters an exception error.
67148 Displays the dotted lines correctly for page reports.
67225 Gets rid of "ORA-00604: error occured at recursive SQL level 1" and "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded" errors when adding more than a dozen of tables in a schema to a JDBC connection in JReport Designer's Catalog Browser window.
67300 Resolved the java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error when creating a page report table (Group Left) with a summary field in the footer row.

Known issues

Summary field disappears from design view when deleting table column

If a summary is inserted in the GroupFooterPanel of a table, when you delete a column from the table, or unmerge the cell of the group footer row, sometimes you may find the summary field disappears from design view, however, from the report structure tree in the Report Inspector, you can still find the object. You can reset its coordinate related properties so as to make the summary field display again.

Compiling formulas in JReport under JDK 6 or higher gets warnings

Since generic type is introduced to JDK 6 or higher version, when compiling formulas in JReport under JDK 6 or higher, you may come across warning messages as follows:

You may see that the situations are logged as Javac errors. However, the warning messages do not prevent Javac from creating .class files and reports can still run correctly.

In this case, you can simply ignore the messages and logged errors.

TOC Browser tree doesn't work well for reports with cached report bursting

When end user runs a report which has been defined with some cached report bursting policy in Page Report Studio, and then opens the TOC Browser, he will see all the groups of the report instead of just the ones he is supposed to view. In addition, no matter if he has access to a group, he cannot click the group name from the TOC tree to get corresponding details. JReport will further enhance the cached report bursting feature in a future release to resolve this issue.

Report data gets cut off in PDF result

When you export a report to PDF format, if the report contains a large amount of data but its page mode was specified to be continuous page mode, or its page size was set to be larger than 200 inches, you will find that in the PDF result some data of the report are cut off. This is because in one PDF page, the data displayed can be no larger than 200 inches.

Starting JReport with 64-bit JDK 1.7

To use 64-bit JDK 1.7 to start JReport on 64-bit Sun Solaris System, you need to modify the launch script (for JReport Designer) or (for JReport Server) in $REPORTHOME/bin by changing the value $JAVAHOME/bin/java to $JAVAHOME/bin/amd64/java.

Deploying monitor.war (servlet.war) and jreport.war in the same domain gets exception

When integrating JReport Server and JReport Server Monitor into one application server, you need to make sure that they are deployed to different domains. JReport Server Monitor is supposed to be just an application for the administrator which doesn't need to come along with a JReport Server as the report system. So it is recommended that JReport Server Monitor be installed on a separate system or on systems for system administrators.

Limitation of going to another group on chart

When you perform the go-to action on a chart which uses a dynamic formula as its shown value, and the formula contains group information, you will get exceptions. This is a limitation in current version. We will resolve the issue in future release.

The zooming in or out of JReport browsers is not supported

All JReport browsers such as Page Report Studio, Web Report Studio, JDashboard and so on do not support being zoomed in or out by the way of scrolling the mouse while holding the Ctrl key. This may result in that the JReport UI cannot display well.

Derby cannot auto start in cross-computer integration

By default, JReport Server uses the embedded Derby as the system database, and automatically starts the Derby database server (the start of Derby requires the JDK path). If you build a WAR/EAR on computer A and then integrate it into an application server on computer B, it is probable that the Derby database server cannot auto start using the JDK path on computer A. If you want to use Derby in an integration environment, please take the following steps:

  1. Build a WAR(jreport.war)/EAR(jreport.ear) on computer A using the following commands:

    makewar.bat -Dreporthome=%REPORTHOME%

    makewar.bat buildEar -Dreporthome=%REPORTHOME%

  2. Deploy jreport.war/jreport.ear to the application server on computer B.
  3. In %ReportHome%\derby\bin, modify javahome in the env.bat file to make it the same as that of computer B.
  4. Access the URL http://ip:port/jreport to start JReport Server, and Derby will also get started.

API change

jet.formula.ParamDesc.value has been set to private now. You can use getDisplayValue(DbValue paramvalue, java.util.Locale locale) instead.

For example:

ParamDesc desc = new ParamDesc();

... ...

desc.getDisplayValue(desc.getValue(), Locale.getDefault());