Deploying to WildFly 8.2.0.Final

The example directory paths listed below are based on Solaris or Linux (referred to as Unix). The instructions are applicable to both Unix and Windows installations; however, the format of the paths for Windows would use the Windows format, that is, C:\JReport\Server instead of /opt/JReport/Server.

It is assumed that:

To deploy JReport Server to WildFly 8.2.0.Final:

  1. Start WildFly 8.2.0.Final by running the script in /opt/wildfly/bin.
  2. By default WildFly 8.2.0.Final is now distributed with security enabled for the management interfaces, this means that before you connect using the administration console you need to add a new user, this can be achieved by using the script in the bin folder. You will then be prompted to set the user name and password for the new user.
  3. Log onto the WildFly 8.2.0.Final Administration Console with the specified user name and password using the URL http://localhost:9990/console.
  4. In the Deployments tab, click Add. In the Create Deployment dialog, browse to select the file jreport.war. Then click Next.
  5. In the step 2 of the Create Deployment dialog, check the Enable option and then click Save.
  6. Upon the successful deployment of the JReport Server WAR file jreport.war, access JReport Server using the following URLs:



If you run into problems when using JReport Server in WildFly, send the log files of JReport Server to The following procedure illustrates how to generate the log files:

  1. Modify the file in /opt/wildfly/bin.

    In the file, add -Dlogall=true after the reporthome definition:

    "$JAVA" $JAVA_OPTS \ 
    -classpath "$WILDFLY_CLASSPATH" -Dreporthome=/opt/JReport/Server \ 
    -Dlogall=true  \ 
    org.wildfly.Main "$@"
  2. After editing, start WildFly using the modified file.
  3. After reproducing the problem, send the log files in reporthome/logs.

    The WildFly log files may also help to identify the problem. The most useful one is /opt/wildfly/server/default/log/server.log.
